While so many thoughts were running in my mind, the guards who stood either sides of the door opened the massive doors to let us in and my eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.. Oh god!! who is he? I mean.. look at this room.. everything screams royalty... all the white stuff with a golden touch up.. so beautiful... huge king sized bed, wardrobe, dressing table, a rack filled with books.. I love books... a nice couch near the long windows and everything from the same brand.

Wow!! everything looks neat and tidy.. He must be a clean freak I guess.

" This is my room... you can use the bathroom anytime and you will be in this room from now onward.. but don’t go out without telling me.."

blah blah blah...

I think he is keep talking and talking but my mind is still processing about everything around me.

" Sofia, you can freshen up now, meanwhile I will find something for you to wear”.

So I just nodded and slid into the door which he pointed earlier even without letting him finish what he wanted to say. See! I am totally a mess in front of his presence.Yes he is making me nervous so badly. And the butterflies in my stomach are about to fly.

As soon as I closed the bathroom door, I tried to pull the tight dress I was forced to wear. These kinds of dresses aren’t totally my type. However getting rid of that dress isn’t easy it seems no matter how curvy it makes my body. Because as soon as I tried to pull the dress, then only I realised that I am not having a zipper there. Because there were tiny buttons inserted in the loops.

Great!! just great.. will I have to sleep in this now? At this rate it will be a remarkable reality.. so there left only one option I could use.. calling that Mr. sexy over here and get the help pf those extra pair. But how can I tell him that? It’s not nice. But do you have any other choice Sofia? No... right?

So I stopped toughing the dress and peeked through the half opened bathroom door to talk to him. At the moment when I searched his presence in the room he was closing the wardrobe.

“Umm.. can...can you...help me for a second?” at that moment he raised his head and turned towards me with a small smirk playing on his face. It's like he already knew what I am going to ask. But without making any comment, he just raised one eye brow and signalled me to continue what I wanted.

“I... my.. dress cannot be removed.. there are buttons on my back.. so.. can you...can you help me to undo...them?” he just nodded and entered the half opened bathroom door. After handing me the towel and the t-shirt he brought for me he asked me to turned around. Then I stood in front of the huge mirror in the bathroom to get his help to remove the buttons on my dress.

Oh god... this is so embarrassing.. and my tummy is weird right now.. am I about to get sick or something? I am not brave enough to raise my head at this moment.. I felt him touching my hair and put it to the front.. and then his hands were on my buttons opening one by one... and his smooth finger tips touched my bare skin time to time and the places his bare hands touched me brought tingles after tingles... Somehow after a while I felt that the strap of the right shoulder become loosened halfway. Then I felt the weird coldness through the opened dress. So I slowly lift my head to thank him through the mirror. But I met with the most beautiful green eyes who were already staring at me weirdly. I think I cannot look away as I am captivated to those mesmerizing eyes. What is that look on his face?

Then the eyes that were looking at my face, slowly traveled down my earlobe. What is he doing? And then...the next instant his sinful lips on my naked skin kissing and sucking. And then he slowly dragged his tempting lips down my earlobe to the nape of my shoulder.

“Umm...mmm” unknowingly few weird sounds came out of my mouth. What is happening? My tummy, it makes some weird things within me right down.. and my little flower is pulsing with some sensation I can't comprehend...my exposed skin is tingling from where he touches me with his inviting sexy lips.. and his left hand is on my waist while the right hand on my bare shoulder. Suddenly something big poking behind me... right next to my ass cheeks.. Is that his..? Oh! no... It can’t be, right? I am totally hot and bothered now... So I tightly closed my eyes in an instant feeling embarrassed with the weird situation and the way I reacted.

But when I opened my eyes on the next instant he has gone.. yes like a ghost...like a wind. There I stood in front of the huge mirror while gripping the sink too tightly trying to understand the situation which I had to face few seconds ago.

I think.. the proximity between me and him isn’t really going to work at this rate. Yes! He is like a fire that tries to ignites me. I think I should really stay away from his  presence. If not I am hundred percent sure that a heart break is on the way in the near future.


Let us see what Zion has in his mind through the next chapter.. Ok guys.. see you all with the next chap..

Have a pleasant day!!


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