Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Chuck Shurley", slamming the car door shut I despondently complain "Would've thought for someone writing about our lives they'd have a cooler name."

Striding down the sidewalk beside me, Sam tucks his hands in his tan pockets with a curious look "I hate to ask... but... like?"

"Like Maximus Maldon... or Albus..."


Pausing my stride at the base of the green ivy steps, I mull it over "I mean... name a cooler man."

Broaching the steps ahead of us, Dean pauses and turns on his boot. Sending me a wary glance, Dean tries to understand "A cooler man than a century old fictional wizard in a dressing gown?" My lips twisted into a scowl, Dean tilts his head tauntingly "Hmm... you know I really don't know any real men who can beat that."

As I glare a hole in Dean's back Sam murmurs in my ear "Still love him?"

Shaking my head, I sigh and frustratedly clambering after Dean up the porch stairs "Thinking about it." Dean ringing the doorbell I let my gaze patiently sweep over the growing weeds between the stairs, worn down burnt red paint job, and the uneven pavers I almost tripped on. Quietly, I find myself muttering "Please don't say we've got another unhinged hermit." A moment later we're answered by a man just a smidge older looking than us. Hair greasy and curly I skim past his wary blue-eyed gaze and focus remorsefully on the pajamas and dressing gown. Pursing my lips I bite back the remarks on the tip of my tongue.

This seems about right.

"Chuck Shurley?" Sam checks, the man inching the door a little further open with a whiny squeak "The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?"

"Maybe", nervously glancing between us, Chuck treads lightly "Why?"

Not at all as polite, Dean introduces "This is Sam, Eleanor and I'm Dean. The exact trio you've been writing about."

"Ah", Chuck nods. Then, with one brazen swing, the door is slammed shut in our faces. Shifting my weight I remain silent. Letting Dean re-ring the bell. Clicking open, Chuck rushes sharply "Look I appreciate your enthusiasm. It's always nice to hear from the fans." My brows raising surprised, I tilt my head listening "But for your own good I strongly suggest you get a life."

Before he can slam it again I step past the boys and catch the door with my boot. Chuck meeting my intimidating glare with his shrewd attention. "See we have a life" Wedging myself inside I forcefully shove the door wide open and allow myself in, harshly shoving Chuck's chest to let me in "A life you've been using to write your books."

Letting him stumble and fumble backward into his messy living space, Chuck nervously stutters "I-uh- this- this is not funny."

"Damn straight it's not funny."

"I mean I don't know about that", I give Dean a look over my shoulder before returning my focus to Chuck "But we just wanna know how you're doing it?"

"I'm not doing anything!"

"Are you a Hunter?"

Scoffing at Dean's insinuation, Chuck scoffs meekly "No. No- I'm a writer."

"Then how do you know so much about Demon's?" Dean steps around me to get into Chuck's space, "And tulpa's- and changelings."

Padding backward Chuck trips on a stack of books and onto his blanket covered sofa. Arching my brow I listen to Cuck nervously reiterate to Dean "Is this some kind of Misery thing?" All of us confusingly silent, Chuck scrunches his eyes anxiously shut "Oh no it is, isn't it? It's a Misery thing!"

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