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"What did that bitch did to you." Yoongi said now angry.
"Why the hell did you break up with her." Y/n said
" Because y/n we been having fights latley so I decided to end it that's all." He said as his voice sounded like a lie, they both walked out heading to class, as they were both walking to class the students stared to whisper.
" so the rumors are true." They both looked at each other confused and yoongi went up to the students.
" what rumors you punk."
" where y'all are step siblings."
" yea and what if we are." Y/n said as she went to go sit down. Yoongi then followed her. Then the principle walked in and said that they will have a new teacher. As the principle walked out. Jin the worldwide handsome came in.

All the girls started giggling and started whispering how handsome he is and even though he was 28 he looked more like in his 21 age

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

All the girls started giggling and started whispering how handsome he is and even though he was 28 he looked more like in his 21 age.
" alright class turned to page 387 and start on those math problem. Miss lee y/n can I talk to you for a minute.
" so you and yoongi." He said
" no it's not like that."y/n said as she looked at her cousin. Her cousin has always been like her big brother always protecting her from harm and boys as well.
" well how do you feel about y'all being you know that."
" I feel okay" she said
" are you sure because the last time I remember you called me crying saying he cheated on you. If you want I can put y'all in a different seat."
" just because your here doesn't mean you have to protect me all the time seriously you act like a dad."
" aye you wish I was your dad."
" ew." She said as she walked in and sat next to yoongi.
"So what did he wanted to talk about." Yoongi said as he turned towards her.
" family stuff that's all." As Jin  walked in All the girls raised their hand and said.'' Jin are you single.'' he laughed on how these girls already wanted him but he wasn't surprised it always happened even back in America.
'' Alrighty, and even if I wasn't that's none of your concern.'' he said the bell ranged for lunch and all the girls left giggling as if they were little kids all over again. As y/n went to go sit next to jungkook the rest of the gang came to sit.
'' So y/n I heard your cousin is our new math teacher,'' Jimin said as he took a bite of his fried chicken.
'' yea and hey are yall guys coming to the wedding.'' Y/n said as she looked at yoongi to see if it was okay to invite them. He nodded his head and went back to eating.
''Yea'' they all said.
'' Sometimes i feel bad for these chicken yet here i am eating them.'' Tae said as everyone looked at him confused.
'' What? Do you not sometimes wonder how they hurt these poor little chickens and here we are eating them.''
'' You okay man.'' Jugkook said as he hugged him."
Oh i'm fine, imma go get more chicken.''

Later that day we got home
'' Hey Y/n are you okay.'' Yoongi's mom said as she came close to me. I assumed that the school already called my dad and his mom about the incident.
'' I'm fine don't worry tae was their and saw the whole thing.'' I said as she said okay and I headed to my room, I them remembered that Yoongi had to tell me so I went and knocked on the door. He opened the door.
'' You said you needed to to talk to me after school.'' I walked in.

My Ex is My Stepbrother// YOONGI x READER 🥵😌Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang