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Yoongi pov
I chuckled as she said asshole. I must Admit she has gotten even more stunning after we broke up. I texted Hoseok to see if he wanted to come over I needed to talk to him about my feelings for y/n ever since we broke up I have been miserable.

Come over need to talk to you now.
Awww you already miss your daddy😏
Shut the fuck up and get your ass here.
Alright baby😌

While I got food ready and drinks I saw y/n watching tv just her doing the little things made my heart flutter but I know she will never want me back because of the things I did to her and I tried so hard to break up with suho but I just couldn't she is so difficult and annoying to deal with but imma try to this Monday. The door bell rang and

y/n said " I'll get it." She opened the door and Hoseok smiled. He walked in and we told y/n that we will be in my room.

" so what was so important that you had to make me stop eating my sandwich." He said annoyed

" I need a plan to get y/n back." He laughed

" yea like y/n will want to go out with a cheater." He said still laughing

"Shut up it wasn't my fault that Suho got me drunk and seduced me."

" I don't know man you did let her, and plus do you not see the way Jungkook sees her I mean she is good looking." He said eyeing me.

" shut up don't remind me." I said as I kept thinking about all the times he looked at her how every time he would be around her when I wanted to be with her. I wasnt going to let him take her away from me she's mine and only mine.

" I'm just saying I did heard that him and y/n have a little something going on."

" don't say shit Hoseok." I said pissed

" okay damn man I never knew that you would be that in love." He said

"Alright well what's the plan." I told him the plan and we agreed to it. I wanted to make sure this planed worked. So we agreed that he and Jimin one of my good friends will flirt with her so that I can see if she still had feeling for me.

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My Ex is My Stepbrother// YOONGI x READER 🥵😌Where stories live. Discover now