"𝗄𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾..." - (𝖽.𝗌)

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you left the hospital and headed over to joe's to get a drink. you and derek had been dating for a while but it wasn't anything too serious yet.
"hey joe" you smiled. "could i get gin and tonic please?"
"coming right up" joe smiled.

you sat and drank you drink. you couldn't help but think about how lucky you were. your life was perfect. you had a great job at one of the best hospitals in the country, some great friends and possibly a new boyfriend (you guys hadn't but a label on it yet). but everything was going good, it almost seemed like nothing could go wrong for you at this moment of time.

some time had passed and you were finished your drink. "thanks joe" you smiled as you payed and gave him a tip.

you went outside it was dark and rainy, which wasn't uncommon for seattle. you didn't have your car, but it was only a short walk from her apartment anyway.

you felt uncomfortable, you had a feeling. a feeling like somebody was following you. you checked behind you and saw nobody there, so you carried on walking.

the next minute you heard the sound of breathing coming from behind you, so you turned around and saw a figure dressed in all black standing not far from you. you knew that there was nothing you could do. the person was clearly way stronger than you, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold them back so you didn't do anything apart from walk forward.

you were nearly at your apartment, it was just another block. however this time you were absolutely certain that this person was following you. you didn't know what to do, you couldn't run cause what if this made them want to hurt you, if you got to your apartment block they would now know where you lived. what were you supposed to do?

you decided the best thing to do was to call derek. "derek?" you whispered as she answered the phone.
"y/n? are you okay?" he asked with a worried voice.
"i think-" you said trying to keep your voice down. "i think somebody is following me"
"what-?" he asked as he began to feel worried for you and he got so protective. "where are you!?"
"a block away from my apartment" you whispered. "what am i supposed to-"
and then you just blacked out.


"y/n?" i asked as i began panicking. she was about to say something but now she's not answering, i knew that something had happened.

i decided the best thing to do was to call the cops so that's exactly what i did. i informed them where i assumed her whereabouts was and told them everything that happened.

i had a flow of awful thoughts; 'was she dead', 'was she taken away?' all similar to them. i wanted to kill the person responsible for this with my own bare hands.

my pager began to beep, so i checked and went straight to the hospital, all though i couldn't think straight as i was so scared, i needed a distraction, and what if it was y/n.

i got to the hospital and i saw richard, standing there. "uh derek, we need to talk" he said. my heart sank, this couldn't be good y/n was here, i mean at least she was safe but was she alive?

"y/n was found on the floor unconscious" richard informed him. "by the look of the bruising around her neck, we think she was strangle"
"b-bruising" i stuttered in shock. "s-strangled?"
"she also hit her head, as she went down and they found an aneurysm that's been formed from the accident" dr webber explained.
"i can do the surgery!" i said standing up quickly.
"no you can't" dr webber stated, and i slowly sat back down " look i know that you guys aren't actually 'official' or whatever you guys say" webber sighed. "but i do know you never looked at addison this way and i know you love her very much. so i thought it would be best to tell you this way"
"b-but she needs surgery" i said, wanting to help her.
"yes, she's in surgery now"
"now!?" i yelled. "she's in surgery now-"
"yes, dr shepherd is in the OR 2 now, right now" webber informed me.
"amy?" i muttered as i ran to OR 2.

i entered the gallery and i saw below me was y/n, i didn't know how to react. "amy!" i shouted.
"what- derek?"amelia asked looking up.
"try your best, please" i begged.
"of course" amelia calmly said.

"derek, come on, i think it's best we go somewhere else" richard said as he saw me sat there.
"no. i'm fine here" i stated. "i- i can't leave her"
"she's in good hands and you know that" richard said. i looked down at her unconscious body lying there on the OR table. i should have left to find her as soon as she called. 'i'm such an idiot' i thought to myself.
"fine" i then said standing up and walking out of the gallery.

i waited and i waited, but she still wasn't out. "dammit, she should be out by now" i frustratingly said as i checked my watch.
"derek, i heard what happened" owen said as he walked up to me.
"she should be out by now" i sighed.
"just wait a little longer" owen said.

about an hour had passed and there was still no sign, until i saw my sister walking with a smile on her face. i knew this was good news. i took a breath of relief.
"everything went great" amelia smiled. "she's awake now, i'll take you to see her"
"thank you, you're my favourite sister did you know that?" i said hugging her.
"now i do" she laughed. "derek.."
"yeah?" i asked, as we walked to her room.
"tell her" amelia said blankly.
"what?" i asked.
"tell her you love her" amelia said looking directly in my eyes, before she walked off.


you woke up from surgery, your head was in pain. it felt like the worst headache of your life.
"hey" you smiled as you saw derek walk in.
"hey, you're alive" he smiled.
"yes i am"
"y/n, what happened?"
"t- there was a buff figure dressed in all black following me, i-i didn't know what to do so i called you" you explained still so scared from what you experienced. "a-and the i felt these arms around my neck and my phone dropped out of my h-hand, and then i-i was flat on the ground" you said as you began crying.
"y/n.. i am so sorry i should've done something sooner-" derek said, before you cut him off.
"no, shh" you said before you began to drift off, into something which felt stronger than sleep, to a place where there was a bright white light.


"y/n!" i shouted, as the monitor began beeping. "get me a crash cart! now." i demanded.
the nurses came with the crash cart. "okay charge to 100!" i shouted. "clear!" there was still no sign of her coming back though. "crap!" i yelled. "charge to 200!" "clear!" and still no sign. "charge to 300!" i yelled for the last time. "clear!" and still nothing.
"i'm sorry dr shepherd" the nurse said.
"j-just page, dr shepherd" i said as i began to tear up. "y-y/n, come on p-please don't give up. o-our story is just starting" i whispered to y/n. "keep fighting, please. i-i love you" i said as i grabbed her hand "i-i love you more than anything y/n. please come back- please"
i sat there holding her hand waiting for amelia to come. suddenly i felt a pinch on my hand.
"y/n!" i shouted, and her monitor began to get back to normal.
"what's happening!?" amelia shouted.
"s-she went but she's back" i said in relief.


you began to hear derek speak to you, as you slowly started to come back. "keep fighting, please. i-i love you" he said as he grabbed your hand "i-i love you more than anything y/n. please come back- please"
you heard his words, and you knew you had to keep fighting you could not give up on him. he was the best thing in your life and you finally knew he felt the same way.

you regained consciousness, so you pinched his hand gently.
"y/n!" derek yelled. you were still a bit to weak to say anything yet or open your eyes but you carried on trying.
"what's happening!?" amelia shouted as she ran into your room.
"s-she went but she's back" derek said in relief.

you finally managed to open your eyes. "derek.." amelia said smiling as she pointed at you.
"what?" he asked as he turned around. "y/n! you're back" he said kissing you gently lots and lots of times.
"derek..." you softly said. "i love you too"

A/N: this chapter is for scrlttz i hope you liked it! <3
thanks to everyone who read this chapter i love you all sm and i cant thank you enough for the support!

please if you have any requests let me know and i'll be sure to write them asap.

please let me know what you guys thought! i hope you all enjoyed <3

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐘𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 & 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now