Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

A quietly pause stretching, Castiel apologises "I am sorry."

"No you're not", Anna calls him right out "You don't know the feeling."

"Still... we have a history. It's just-"

"Orders are orders", Anna cuts Castiel sharply off "I know. Just make it quick."

"Don't you touch a hair on that poor girl's head!" Snapping my head around, I'm eagerly stepping out of the way with Sam and Dean. Our trio fervent to escape the crossfire building. So it begins. Alister's returned he waves a disappointed finger towards the Angel's. Behind him, Ruby's clutched in the arms of two Demons. Gut bloodied from jab after jab of a blade that doesn't at all seems to have been pleasant.

Upon Uriel's approach, she's discarded into the corner of the room. Like tossing a ragdoll. "How dare you to come into this room", Uriel seethes towards Alistair "You pussing sore."

"Name-calling. That hurt my feelings", Alistair moves to meet Uriel in the center of the room, "You sanctimonious fanatical prick." Rolling my lip I bite back my laugh that was dancing on the tip of my tongue. Edging against Dean's side to hide my amusement he brings his hand to grab mine and tugs me further behind him. The last thing we need is the attention back on us and Dean knows it. Knows I would be the one to push it.

"Turn around and walk away" Castiel commands Alistair and his two flanking Demon's, "Now."

"Sure. Just give us the girl. We'll make sure she gets punished good and proper."

"You know who we are and what we will do" Sauntering up beside Uriel I watch the two sides coming to a head "I will not ask again. Leave. Now. Or we lay you to waste."

Through his lisp, Alister hisses "I think I'll take my chances."

For a long moment, nobody moves. Neither side tensing or flinching a single muscle. Both equally matched and just as determined. Then in a flash, Uriel grabs a Demon and slams them almost the entire way through a wooden beam. When the Demons partner tries intervening all he receives is a blow to the head so powerful he stumbles ten feet backward. Switching attention to Castiel I watch him absolutely punch the crap out of Alister. Getting in enough blows to cause my jaw to drop. This is it. Pure Angelic might and it's intense. Alister collapsed to his knees in a daze Castiel rests his palm against Allister's forehead. My eyes gazing meticulously to comprehend what is occurring. But there is nothing to see. "Sorry kiddo", Alistair seethes through his teeth "Why don't you go run to Daddy." Decking Castiel right up through the jaw his trench coat body lands in the dust near us with a smack.

Alistair activates a Latin chant I instantly recognize it as an exorcism- the general gist of one at least. Glancing across the room I watch Uriel burning out the bodies of the Demonic buddies. Too preoccupied to help Castiel. Deciding to help the better of two evils I search around me for a weapon. Anything that can muster me some brute force. Slipping from behind Dean unnoticed I haul ass over to the back of the cabin where sits a pile of dust collecting construction wood. Grasping a weighty plank I dart back over, slipping past Dean and Sam to belt the tough wood right across Alistair's face. The brutal bang echoing through the cabin Alistair leaps to his feet. Castiel discarded. Only now his sharp snake-like attention shakes over to me. Wood clasped in my hands I take I defensive stance knowing I unquestionably didn't choose the right call. His antagonistic snarl sending shivers down my spine, I hardly get the wood back up before Dean caves a crowbar down over Alistair's face. "Dean, Dean, Dean- you had such promise!" Alister jests snarkily, twirling to taunt "I'm so disappointed!" My hand slipping to rest against the small of Dean's back it's only for a moment because when Alistair throws his hand out at us I suddenly feel my airways tightening. No air able to come in or out. Dean and Alistair become the least of my concern as I'm grasping at my throat. Hoping to get air in. My knees giving out from the lack of oxygen I barely catch sight of Anna in my panic. A swirl of glowing white fogging around her feet before engulfing through Anna's lips and into her body. It must be her Grace. I couldn't describe it as anything else. "Shut your eyes!" Anna yells as her body begins to glow, shaking with intensity "SHUT YOUR EYES!"

Shielding my eyes in the crook of my arm I register a bright white light behind my closed lids. Only daring to open them when the light has dimmed out and my throat is no longer on fire. Wheezing for air with Sam and Dean I glance over to where Anna had stood. Both her and Alistair long gone somewhere we can't find them or dare to follow. Castiel and Uriel once more left in the lurch. Victoriously I rest my head back against the wooden beam I've toppled behind. Reluctantly letting Sam help me back to my feet.

Wandering breathlessly into the center of the room, Dean insinuates towards Castiel and Uriel "Well what are you guys waiting for? Aren't you going to go get Anna?"

Driving the failure deeper into Uriel's wound, I return the favor "Unless of coursebyou're scared."

Stepping furiously closer to me I can only smirk as Castiel tugs him back from me. Unwilling to let another fight commence. Jabbing his finger into my space, Uriel threatens "This isn't over Alexander."

Dean's hand sliding into mine, he comments threateningly "Oh I think it is junkless."

When they're gone in a swoosh, Sam breathes in awe "I cannot believe we pulled that off." Ruby hobbling over, Sam concerningly places a comfortable hand on her shoulder "You okay?"

Admittedly even I arch my brow towards Ruby. Looking her up and down- particularly the large bloodied section of her shirt. She'd allowed herself to be tortured to sell the story I trapped us into. "Yeah", Ruby wards off Sam's concern, apologizing "Sorry I'm late with the Demon delivery."

"You still pulled through", much to my surprise and everyone's, I tell Ruby truthfully "I appreciate it."

"Well, it was your fault, to begin with."

Pursing my lips, I scoop the Demon knife Alistair dropped from the floor "And just like that I can go back to hating you."

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