"You're being blatantly disrespectful. Stop this nonsense, Jonas. Bring me Eli," Clark demanded, extending his hand with a feigned authority.

Jonas' gaze was a chilling contrast to Clark's bravado. "Retract that arm, old man, or I'll tear it off," he growled, his voice a dangerous promise.

Clark's hand faltered slightly, his eyes widening just enough to reveal a flicker of fear before he masked it with a scowl. He stepped forward, but Hugh's firm grip around Jonas' waist held him back. "Sweetheart, let's go."

Jonas sighed deeply, turning his back on his parents as he walked toward the car.

A familiar, sickening voice cut through the tension, freezing them in place. "Such an unfortunate turn of events. Tell me, Wolf, have you made your decision yet?"

Hugh's eyes blazed with anger. "Oh, I am going to kill this motherfucker."

The last shreds of Hugh's control shattered as he spun around, his fists clenched, and his eyes locked onto Lukas with a anger coursing through him.

Sam, sensing the imminent explosion, acted swiftly. He stepped in front of Jonas, positioning himself as a human shield between them and Lukas. His voice was a low, urgent whisper, trying to cut through the mounting fury. "Jonas, stay with me. We need to think this through."

Millan and Rodgers, recognizing the escalating threat, moved in tandem. They seized Hugh, their hands firm as they restrained him. Millan's grip was steady, his face a mask of grim resolve, while Rodgers' eyes were steely with determination.

"Hugh, let it go. We need to handle this without losing ourselves," Millan said quietly, his voice a calming anchor amid the chaos.

Hugh, however, was beyond reason. His anger roared like a wildfire. "Not until I tear this bastard apart! I know this is your doing, you piece of shit!" he bellowed as he struggled against Millan and Rodgers.

"What? Lukas, what's going on?" Emilia's voice was filled with alarm as she dashed toward Hugh and the others. Her gaze shifted accusingly to Lukas. "Did you instigate this?"

Lukas' laughter was cold and dismissive. "Emilia, why are you mingling with these inferior bastards? Come back to the party."

Emilia's face flushed with anger. She stormed up to Lukas, her eyes blazing. "You insufferable bastard." With a swift, fierce kick, she landed a blow between his legs, sending Lukas crashing to the ground.

The impact left Lukas groaning, clutching himself as he crumpled. Hugh paused, watching the scene with a hint of satisfaction. "That'll do for now," he muttered, his gaze piercing into Lukas. "We're not done."

Relief washed over the other Kings as Hugh, now slightly calmer, redirected his focus. He and Jonas made their way to the car, their movements tense but purposeful, leaving the chaos behind them.

Clark's frustration boiled over. "I will call my lawyers and have you all thrown behind bars, Jonas. You and your gang of thugs."

Hugh's laughter was chilling. "Our lawyer will be in touch shortly, Mr. Spencer. I think you're familiar with him—Alex Richards."

Clark's face went ashen, his mouth falling open in shock. The adults around him had similar reactions, their eyes widening with fear. Alex Richards was a name they dreaded facing in court.

Hugh guided Jonas and Eli into the back seat of the car. Travis slipped in beside Jonas, clutching Eli's hand in silent support. Hugh was about to join them on the other side when Clark's voice cut through the tension.

"How could someone like you know Alex Richards?" Clark demanded, his voice trembling.

"Easily. He's my dad." Hugh's grin widened as he watched the reactions of those around him. The realization hit hard—if Hugh had chosen to involve his father, their brawls with the Mad Dog would have been a mere prelude to the real chaos.

They piled into the car, with Sam driving Emilia and Jaiden. The vehicle sped through the streets, but Jonas was oblivious to the rush. His focus was solely on the silent sobs of the boy in his arms.

Gently cradling Eli, Jonas began to sing the lullaby he had always used to soothe him. His deep and soothing voice was the only sound in the car, providing a fragile thread of comfort amid the turmoil.

As Eli's breathing began to steady, Jonas' voice faltered, and he finally broke down, his tears mixing with the soft melody. Hugh moved closer, wrapping his arms around both Jonas and Eli, offering solace in their shared grief.

They stayed locked in their embrace until they reached the ER. A team of doctors and nurses was already waiting. As the car door swung open, a nurse approached them.

"Ms. Pena informed us ahead of time. We're ready for him," she said as Hugh swiftly moved to assist Jonas. They carefully transferred Eli onto a gurney and rushed inside. Jonas, Hugh, Travis, and Millan followed closely while Rodgers parked the car and joined Sam and the others.

Eli was taken to a private room, and everyone else was asked to wait in the hallway. Hugh guided Jonas to a seat. "I'm going to call my dad," he said softly. "I'll be right back, sweetheart."

Jonas nodded, his head sinking into his hands. Hugh pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head before stepping away to make the call. Despite the late hour, he trusted that his dad would pick up.

The call was answered almost immediately. "Hugh! Are you okay?"

Hugh's voice trembled as he spoke. "Dad, we're at the hospital."

He could hear the frantic sounds of scrambling and his mom's anxious questions in the background. "Are you boys okay? What happened?"

Leaning against the wall, Hugh allowed himself to break down, his tears mingling with his words. "It's Eli. We got him out of that place."

There was a sharp intake of breath on the other end. "How bad is it?" Alex asked, his voice tight with concern.

"My God... I can't—Dad, please, they can never go back there," Hugh pleaded, his voice cracking with raw emotion. He struggled to find the words to convey the horror of the situation, his mind racing with the thought of Jonas and Eli never having to face Clark and Denise Spencer again.

"Alright, son," Alex said, his voice soft. "I'm calling Chuck right now. We'll all meet you there. You need to stay strong and support Jo. He's probably terrified right now. Can you do that?"

Hugh took a deep, shaky breath, trying to steady himself. "Yeah. I can do that."

Hugh gave his father the room number, taking several deep breaths to compose himself before returning to Jonas. He settled beside him and pulled him into a comforting embrace, his presence a silent promise of support. He didn't speak; instead, he gently stroked Jonas' back, trying to offer solace through his touch.

In the quiet, Hugh began humming the lullaby Jonas had sung in the car. Jonas' lips curled into a faint smile as he leaned into Hugh, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and surprise. "I didn't think you'd know that song," Jonas murmured.

Hugh chuckled softly, the sound warm and reassuring. "How could you doubt my musical knowledge?" He tilted Jonas' chin up and pressed a tender kiss to his lips, a gesture filled with unspoken affection and comfort.

Jonas sighed, his gaze drifting around the hallway where the others were waiting. Sam held Emilia close, wrapped her in his jacket, and rubbed her arms soothingly while whispering in her ear. Nearby, Rodgers, Millan, and Jaiden were doing their best to calm Travis, who was sobbing. Jonas' heart ached as he observed his distress—Travis' genuine care for his brother was evident.

Jonas stood up and approached Travis. "Travis," he called gently, his voice soft but firm.

Travis looked up, his eyes swollen and red from crying. "Jo... I should have... said something... when he..."

Before Travis could finish, Jonas pulled him into a tight embrace. "I don't blame you for anything. Eli won't either," he reassured him, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

Travis' sobs came in desperate, choked gasps as he clung to Jonas. Jonas held him close, his own tears mingling with Travis', his hand rubbing soothing circles on his back.

Hugh joined them, his presence a steady anchor as he wiped away his own tears. He placed a comforting hand on Jonas' shoulder, offering silent support.

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