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"Anyway I know this doesn't mean anything to you, but I can no longer wear this after last night." 

Looking down I knew that when I took of the ring I would never wear it again.I took off the ring, for the last time and set it down on the table between us. Looking up at Serkans face and seeing a blank expression showed me that I had done the right thing. 

"Serkan Bay despite what you have been told. I don't want to ruin your life, hell in the beginning I didn't even want you in my life. So I will follow your advice that you told me a long time. We have to be logical about our lives and not base things on emotions."

"Not trying to ruin my life? You just took my holding from me and you are telling me you are not trying to ruin my life!!! Wow everything that Selin said about you was right, just a pretty girl with manipulative mind, and-"

I don't know what he said after that because all I could hear was the last of my heart breaking, and any hope of my romantic robot coming back was gone. He was replaced with an even colder robot that Selin had created. I wouldn't let myself cry, not in front of him. He was right all that time ago, NOTHING WAS WORTH MY TEARS NOT EVEN THE GREAT SERKAN BLOAT.

Looking up I could see Selin coming back from her phone call and judging by her face, her father had confirmed that I now owned her shares. I knew I had to get out of here before I tore her apart for putting me in this position in the first place. So looking back to Serkan who was still yelling at me. 

"Excuse me Serkan Bay, but if you are done I have some affairs I needs to handle so please take a seat and look over what you have missed these past two months. You have missed quite a bit, while playing house with your fiance." 

With that I picked up my bag and walked right past a fuming Serkan and walked past Selin too not even looking at her. Going  to Leyla and telling her to reschedule all my appointments for the day and started to head for the door when Peril  Engin, and Ferit stopped me. 

"Eda can we talk?"Engin asked.

Turning around to face the people who have been by my side since the crash only made it hurt worse to know that they are just letting Selin back into their lives with no problem. Walking towards them I realized I had to leave them here to when this was all over. 

"Guys what is there to talk about? I asked.

"Eda are you okay? Just ignore Abi for now he will get his memory back and remember the great love you too had." Engin responded. 

"He's right Eda. You and Serkan love each other very much. This will past too like everything else." Peril stated while grabbing hold of  my hand. 

I pulled my hand away from her.

"Is that the same hand you comforted Selin with? Are those the same words you told Selin when you and her were having while drinking your coffee. Huh Peril?"

Peril's hand went back to her side and had the sense too look down in shame for being caught with Selin yesterday. 

"What about you Engin? Did you tell Serkan about our so called great love and how we overcame so many things? Did you tell him how many times I have sacrificed my life and my dreams for him? Did you? Did you tell him about the times he broke my heart? Did you either of you tell Serkan who it was that helped Aydan out of her house? Did either of you tell him who has been taking care of everything so that when he returned it would be in perfect order for him. Well did you guys?"

I looked at the both of them with anger filled eyes. Looking at the people who were supposed to be by my side, and be there for me. I knew that Ferit tried to warn Selin but that did nothing to help the problem other then anger Ceren. What Serkan said about only trusting yourself  I finally understood in that moment. 

"Right you didn't. Either way it's over."

All three eyes looked at me with shocked eyes. 

"Eda no. That can't be it. You love each other. Just be a little more patient Abi will come around and remember everything. " 

"Engin he just asked Selin to marry him right in front of my eyes there is nothing left to wait for. Even if he suddenly remembers, my Serkan went down with that plane two months ago and I'm never getting him back. And it's time you guys realized it too."

With that I turned around just to face Selin on the other side of the glass of Engins office. I knew that I had to talk to her eventually so why not just get it over with now. Still looking at Selin I asked the three of them to leave the office so that I could talk to her. Ferit tried to jump in but one look into my eyes and knew to just let it happen. 

Selin walked into the glass box which seemed ironic due to the fact that she never once been transparent about anything in her life. I took out my phone to make sure I was still on schedule for my next appointment, when it struck me to press record on my phone and setting it down on the table next to my bag. Selin turned around at that moment from closing the door.

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