Missing Yildiz

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I get to Artlife in record time and with a game plan on how I am going to break the news to everyone. I get everything out of the car and rush in. I see Leyla and I tell her to get everyone into the meeting room and that it was important. I also tell her to call Afyer Hanim and Aydan Hanim to tell them that it was important and that they were needed immediately.  I walk into the bullpen where I see Melo and Ceren. 

"Ceren, Melo follow me into the meeting room now it's important." As I start to walk to the meeting room Ceren starts to question me. 

"Ferir what's going on your scaring us? Is everything okay?"

"NO Ceren everything is a big mess right now, but I only want to explain this once. So please let's wait until everyone gets here."I place the box and manila envelope on the table and look at Ceren and Melo hoping they will understand. They both just nod their heads and take a seat. 

One by one everyone starts to trickle in wondering why they are being called into the room, and I just them to wait and that everyone must be in the room. Finally I see Aydan Hanim and Sefyi walking in together and right behind them I see Afyer hanim and Chef Alex? Either way not important. 

"Okay Ferit why did you call all of us here? I have a holding to run and I don't have all day to sit here and chat." Serkan said looking up at me from his chair and of course with Selin standing by side. I smirk at him wanting to his reaction when I tell him Eda is gone but still there were two people missing from the group. 

I walk over to the door and call for Leyla and Erdem to come in as well. They both look shocked but come in anyway. 

"Close the door please Erdem."

I turn to face everyone and go to open my mouth when Ceren says. 

"Ferit wait what about Eda? Is she not apart of this meeting?"

I pause and look at everyone taking in this moment before everything goes to hell. 

"That's what this is about. I just had a meeting with a Lawyer and he  told me that Eda gave Engin and I power of attorney over her shares."

Everything happens at once. Melo,Ceren, and Peril freeze in their seats, while Serkan and Engin jump out of their seats and start yelling at me. Adyan and Ayfer are both screaming. Leyla and Erderm are in the corner with their mouth open wide and Selin just looks at me with wide blue eyes that I used to find adorable but now just reminds me of a horror movie with how wide they are. 

"GUYS. GUYS. Let's calm down, so-"

"Calm down. How can I calm down when you now have fifty-five percent of my company? Huh?This girl is just crazy. Somebody get Eda Hanim on the phone right now!!!" Serkan screamed across the room shocking everyone. 

"Serkan if you would just let me finish-"

"Ferit what is going on? Why would Eda give her shares to you?" Selin asked. " I guess you two were closer than we thought." She said with a smirk.

I was too shocked to say anything to that but Peril wasn't. 

"Selin how dare you? I want you to remember that Eda gave some to Engin too. Are you gonna say something about their relationship too?" Peril was fuming and everybody was looking at her surprised she was telling Selin off. 

" I don't need to tell you who is the one who caused all this do I? Cause I have had enough of your bull-"

"I'm sorry am I interrupting something?"

We all turned our heads to Deniz who had just walked in. 

"Oh thank god Deniz your here." Melo said. "Dada is with you right?" 

"Actually Melo-"

"Offah I have had enough of this. I will just call her." Serkan said. 

"Serkan-" I started to say but Eda's ringtone was suddenly going off. We all turned to see Deniz pulling Eda's phone out of this pocket and placing it on the table. Everyone looked from the phone to Deniz multiple times before Ayfer asked "Deniz why do you have Eda's phone? Where is she?"

Deniz leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. 

"I believe Ferit is going to explain that?" Deniz looked at me with knowing eyes. 

I turned away from him and faced what seemed to be the angry mob.

" As I was saying Eda's lawyer came to me this morning and had told me that Eda gave Engin and I power of attorney over her shares of the holding." I pause to look at everyone. " Which means that we are making decisions on her behalf but we don't own them, Eda still owns majority of the holding."

Everyone was quiet processing the information. Peril was the first one come out of it. 

"Ferit where is Eda? Why would she need to give you guys that? I don't understand why isn't she telling us."

"I honestly don't know why she chose us, and not the girls." Pointing to the Ceren and Melo. "But it's what she did. As for where Eda is-" 

" I can answer that." Deniz said standing up straight. "As of this morning Eda is no longer in Turkey."

Everyone started screaming at the same time. I looked at Deniz and shook my head at him. I looked back up to see Serkan holding his chest which was weird, but either way I had to calm everybody down and get this finished with. 

"GUYS! I am not done yet. So please sit back down and let me finish."

Everyone took their seats again and faced me once more. I grabbed the Manila envelope and looked at everyone. 

"Eda wrote everyone a letter and she asked that I give everyone their own letters. So anymore questions should wait until everyone gets their letter." I start to pass out the letters to their respective owners. When everyone got their letter I came back around and gave Serkan the box Eda asked me to give to him. 

"While there is not letter for you Serkan, Eda did ask that I deliver this box to you. " 

I come back around to the end of the table when I remember the USB and I still didn't know what was on it. 

"Serkan if you don't mind I need to use your computer."

"Go ahead." Waving me off while looking at the box. 

Okay fine. I plug the USB into the computer, I drag the file and open it and see that it's an audio file. Why would Eda give me an audio file? Either way I press play and in the corner of my eye I see Serkan lifting the top of the box open. 

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