I told you

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"Thank you Serkan, you didn't have too." Efe says taking the complement for himself, when I was clearly talking to Eda. I lose the smile on my face and turn to face him. "Hello Efe. You are here? Why?"  I couldn't help myself I just didn't like him standing next to her as if that was his rightful spot.

"Baba the flowers are so pretty. Hala can you plant some at home too?" The little girl Belle shouts from behind me, we all turn to see her walking towards us with a guard right behind us. I still didn't understand why Eda needed this scale of bodyguards with her at all times. Even her babaanne didn't have this many from what I  remember. "Ahhh Robot Bay hello." She says as she comes and hugs my leg. She was so tiny her head barely reached my waist. I couldn't help the smile that made its way on my face due to this little girls bubbly personality that I was sure was because of Eda. I pat her head. 

"Hello Belle. We missed you at dinner last night." I tell her because it was true. I was looking forward to seeing her last night.

"Really??" She asks me while looking up at me, and I am trapped by her big brown eyes. I nod my head at her  looking down. I see the smile on her face light up and I knew it was the right thing to say to her. "Baba said that it was a party for adults only so we just watched movies and ate popcorn last night." She tells me with a pout. I see from the corner of my eye Eda smiling and trying to cover her chuckle, while looking at us. Efe is rubbing his head like he wanted to be anywhere but here. 

I crouch down to her height, so that we were eye level with each other. "Well I would have much rather been there with you. I love popcorn." As soon as I finish my sentence Eda makes her laugh known.

"Oh really Serkan? I remember a time where you told me that you couldn't eat popcorn. Because it was unhealthy?" I look up at Eda and when she says this, I just give her a smile at the memory of her coming over with that big bucket of popcorn when that new PR hire was at my apartment. I couldn't even remember the girls name.  

"Well this was nice and all, but Belle why don't you show me the flower that you want Hala to plant? Huh? Come on." Efe says to his daughter while holding out his hand for her to take. Belle looks back to me and then back to her dad. 

"Will you come too  Robot Bay? The flowers are reallllly pretty." She tell me while looking into my eyes, and I was about to say yes but Efe stops me.   

"Serkan has to talk to your Hala princess." Efe tells her. 

"But I will come as soon as we finish. Deal?" I tell the little girl after seeing the pout come to her face. She nods her head at me with a smile that seems to go straight to my heart, and goes to Efe and takes him to the direction of where I guess the flowers were. I stand up watching as she walks away with Efe. 

"She likes you." I turn to face Eda. I put my head down in embarrassment, because this was all new territory for me. 

"Yeah well she is a sweet girl, something I am sure that you had a big hand in." I tell her. 

"Thank you, she is. But she is her own little person, I am just happy she is happy." She says with a smile on her face, and I couldn't help but think about last night. 

I take a look around and see that we were as alone as we could get. I take a few steps towards her. "Eda, I meant what I said last night, I am not letting you go this time. I made that mistake once and I won't be doing it again." I look into her eyes hoping to see a sign from her, and I see it. The slight sparkle in her eyes that made me fall for her in the first place. 

"And I meant what I said last night Serkan." She says with same defiance that I knew so well. "I am here, and I am not going anywhere. I want to be able to live a happy life with everyone around me, with you. But the past has proven that it wasn't possible for us." 

"Eda we can be happy, we were happy. We will be happy. Let me make you happy. Please." I tell her. I can tell I got through to her because I see her eyes, they were wavering. But before she could say anything her name was being called from behind me. I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Somebody better be dying or I swear to Allah I will ruin whoever is behind me right now." I tell to whoever is behind me. I turn around to see who it was, and of course it was the one person that I really could kill. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe before looking back to the person. 


"Serkan bay..." He says while looking down at his fingers. "They are asking for Eda at the entrance..." 

I close my eyes, and rub my forehead. Anytime I seem to make some progress with Eda, someone has to interrupt. At this point I am seriously debating kidnapping her for some alone time. I am brought out of my thoughts by Eda's laugh, I turn to look at her and see that she has that full bright smile on her face. I couldn't help but let out a grin seeing her smile. 

"I have missed you Erdem, thank you I will be there in a moment." Eda says to Erdem, at which point he walks away but somehow seems to trip over his two feet, which causes another round of giggles out of Eda. She asks him if he was okay, he nods his head at her before moving along this time without any mishaps. "I hasn't changed at all has he?" Eda asks me after she had calmed down a little. 

"Yes, well very much to my displeasure he is still the same." I tell her, then I turn to face her and see that a strand of her hair had fallen down in front of her face. I couldn't help myself, I reach my hand out and brush her hair behind her ear. Her eyes go wide, but she doesn't stop me. When I take a step back I notice the blush on her cheeks. I smile back at her. "Well let's go Eda, they are waiting for you." I turn and hold out my arm, hoping that see would take it. It seems like an hour had passed before I felt Eda put her arm in mine. 

"Lead the way Serkan Bolat." She tells me giving me a smile. I smile back her. We start to walk towards the entrance of the gardens, I can hear the rest of the people waiting. Though before we make it down the stairs Eda says something that makes me stop in my tracks. 

"I told you we would meet again in the gardens that I designed." 


Author's Note :

Sorry for the short chapter today, I needed to get this out before I made this a bashing chapter for all the characters. I swear at this point I will go on a plane to Turkey and shove the all the fanfictions that have been written to the writers and tell them to pick one, because anything is better than what we got on Saturday. Also WHY IS EVERYONE SUDDENLY TEAM SELIN ON THE SHOW!!!!!! THE DISAPPOINTMENT IS REAL. 

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