Code Blue

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*Eda POV*

"EDDIEEEE!!!!!" I hear Marcus calling for me just as Serkans lips graze my own. My head goes down and I feel Serkan move away from me. 

"Every single time." I hear Serkan say, I bring my head up to look at him. The sight I see makes me chuckle, he was brushing his hair down with his hand and I could see the vein in his necks protruding out. He was frustrated, but at this point as was I. 

"Ah Eddie there you are-." Marcus pauses as we sees us in the conference. He looks between Serkan and I and gives me a smirk. " Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" 

Though before I could yell at him for bursting into the office, Antonio comes rushing in. 

"Code Blue! Code Blue!" Ant says rushing over to me. "I didn't know she was back, she wasn't due for another two days. I am sorry." I feel my eyes widen. 

"WHAT? Ant she is going to kill me." I tell him, but before I could come up with a plan I hear her. 


The four of us all turn to the doors of the conference room as she screams my name. I hurry and hide behind Ant, he is as big as a tree so I knew she wouldn't be able to see me. But Ant moves to the side because he knew what I was doing.

"OH NO. You are not using me as a shield. I have a wife, and soon maybe a family." He says as he backs up into the corner of the room. "I am sorry, but no." He tells me as he backs up even more with his hands in the air. I look at him with my mouth open, because I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. 

"Eda what is going on?" Serkan asks me as he walks up to me. Though we hear the yelling once again. 

"EDA YILDIZ WHERE ARE YOU?" I flinch and Serkan places his hands on my arms and asks me who was yelling for me and what code blue meant. Then I look at Ant and Marcus who had both found there way to the corner of the room looking at the books on the shelves.  Most likely trying to disappear before we all died..

"Ahhh Kizim there you are....and next to Serkan Bolat no less." Hearing her voice so close I knew I had to face her so I slowly turn around. I see Hala looking at me with a smile on her face and her hands on her hips, but I knew since childhood that the smile on her face was anything but happy or friendly. I give her a slight nervous smile and I turn to face her completely. I feel Serkans hands fall from my arms as I turn. 

"Hala..." I say with a nervous laugh. "You are back early..." I say as I slowly take some steps back as I see her start to come towards me with that smile on her face. I see her nodding her head at me. 

"Ahh Kizim imagine how surprised I was when I am at my restaurant in Italy and find out from the newspapers that my niece is in TURKEY? And with SERKAN BOLAT NONE THE LESS?" And with that Afyer Hala comes at me. But I had already reached the other side of the table so we had a table between us. 

"Hala I was going to tell you....but it didn't seem like the right time. I mean you were introducing a new reviews. Just so busy." I tell her from across the table because I didn't know how she would react. 

" do you think I looked when I was entering my own restaurant and I see that my niece is not even in country but back in Turkey. And you didn't even tell me." Hala says with tears in her eyes. I feel bad seeing those tears, so I go around the table to hug her. As I walk around I see Serkan looking at the situation with a blank expression so I didn't know what he was thinking. Though right behind him I see Marcus and Ant trying to sneak out of the room without being noticed. But they left me on my own so that wasn't going to work, I was going to deal with them later. 

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