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"Get the car ready please. I need to get out of here." I tell Ant as we walks towards the hotel. He puts his hand on my back as he leads me to the side of the hotel away from the reporters. He nods his head at me. 

"Okay, but first I need to get you inside, who knows what those reporters will do to get a story." He tells me. I nod my head as we go through the service entrance of the hotel. As we walk down the hallway all I could think about was Serkans face. The look on his face scared me, it was the same he look he gave me all those years ago when he first came back and told me I was a stranger. I don't know what happened but I wasn't going to stick around and get hurt again. Just one look into his eyes and I knew that I couldn't go through that again, so I made the decision that I should have made the first time. I walked away. 

I wasn't going to put myself through that, not again. I barely got through the first time and I wasn't going to do it again. We had made it to the elevators and as usual Michael and Luca get in first and then me and then Ant. I stand in the middle of them and wait for the doors to close. They start to close and I take in a deep breathe and make sure I am calm. My nerves are shot so keeping calm was a little hard, and being in an elevator didn't help either. But I had it under control, it took two years of exposure therapy but it was worth it I could ride elevators and work in any office without the fear of feeling trapped. 

As the elevators go up to our floor, all I could think about what was happening and how I could move forward. Just one hour ago I was thinking about what life could have been like if he never got on that plane, or if he just listened to me when he first came back and not Selin. There were too many what if's in my life I couldn't take it anymore. I had to learn from my past mistakes, I had too much at stake for me to lose my way. With my thoughts collected the elevator doors open and on the other side of the doors is the one person I am trying to avoid. 

I step out of the elevator and the guys follow. I step up to Serkan who seemed to be a little out of breath. He must have ran up the stairs to beat us here.

" I see why you guys couldn't stop those reporters, you couldn't even stop one guy from beating us to our floor." I say this while looking Serkan in the eyes, who seems to smirk at my comment. 

"Sorry Eda Hamin." Ant responds because he knows he messed up. I don't move my eyes away from Serkan I nod my head to the direction of where my suite was, Ant takes us to the room and to give us some privacy. I had a feeling that whatever was about to happen I wanted it to be in private. 

Serkan follows without a word which surprised me, he never did anything without a debate or fight. We get to the room and enter, I nod to the men in the room and they nod back leaving the room. I turn to Ant. 

"How long until we are ready?" 

"Less than an hour." He tells me. I nod. 

"Alright give us some time and I'll be ready." He nods and walks out of the room, and I turn to face Serkan who was looking out of the balcony doors and out to the sea. I walk up to him while crossing my arms across my body and stand right next to him. "I picked this room, it has the best view no?" 

"I don't know about that." He turns to face me with his hands in his pocket. "I think that I have the best view right now." I turn to my head to look at him, and see that he is looking at me with that sweet smile on his face. 

I didn't know what to say so I look away and put my head down. 

"Eda." He calls to me. I look back up to him. "Look I don't know what happened down there but we need to talk."

I let out a harsh chuckle. "Talk?" I face him head on now. "It seems like that's all we do, but it never goes anywhere. I am tired of talking Serkan, just to end up in the same plac-"

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