Serkan getti ama Deniz Burda

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I blink and then I blink again. I rub my head and think about who Deniz is.....and then it clicks.

"Wait isn't he the private investigator that Eda hired to find me? What could have he had done to make Eda change?" I question, it wasn't making any sense. Why would a private investigator have such a impact on her? Engin shifts in his seat looking uncomfortable. I look at him and he avoids my eyes. 

"Engin he is just a private investigator right?" I ask thinking the worst. That Eda could have moved on, but no that wasn't possible she was waiting for me. So then who is this man. 

"Serkan, Deniz isn't just a private investigator" I drop onto the couch "He is Eda's childhood friend." I look up and let out a breathe. 

"But Edar never mentioned him before, and how could he change Eda? Engin your not making any sense."

Engin let out a breathe and rubbed his face. 

"Serkan listen closely." I nod my head at him. 

" Denzi is Eda's childhood friend, but for the last five years he has been traveling the world so that's why we never met him. When Eda wouldn't come out of the apartment after two weeks, Melo got scared for her and called Deniz."

"Why would Melek call him?" I ask still not understanding. Who was this guy that had such an influence on Eda? And why hadn't I heard about him before. 

"Because Deniz has always been the one to make Dada laugh no matter what the situation was." 

I turn towards the door where I see Ceren, Melo, Ferit, Peril, Anne and Sefyi standing in the doorway. 

" Deniz was the one that always made Dada feel better when she was sad when we were children. They were always attached to the hip even more so than me and her." Melo continued stepping into the living room. I stand up. 


" We heard you got your memory back Serkan." Ceren said glaring at me from her spot. 

"That's right. Guys look-"

"Well it's a little too late don't you think? And don't even think for a moment that we will forget what you said to her. How could you say that too her? I'm glad that she left, at least I know that she will be happy where she is." Ceren scoffs. 

"Your right Cere-" I freeze thinking about what she had just said. "Wait Ceren do you know where Eda is?" I ask desperate. "Please just let me talk to her." 

"We don't know where Dada is Serkan Bay." Melek responds. "She wrote in her letters to us that she was going somewhere she would be happy and too not look for her. So that's what we are going to do, let her be happy. It's what she deserves." Melo looks at me with such sadness in her eyes that I feel even worse. 

"Serkan Bay? What happened to Enliste?" I ask with a crack in my voice.

Melo doesn't respond, she just looks away. 

"Okay, I understand I hurt you. But please I know that she told at least one of you where she was going she wouldn't just leave without letting anyone know. That's not Eda. She knows that you would worry about her." I say looking back and forth between the two of them and finally all around the room. 

"Please anyone, I need to talk to her." 

"Well she doesn't want to talk to you." I hear a male say from outside. We all turn around to see Deniz standing outside on my patio.

"Deniz we asked you to stay in the car." Ceren said. 

"Well you were taking awhile and I missed Sirius so I thought I would come and see if he was around." Deniz said with a slight smirk on his face. As if on cue Sirius come up to him and bumps his head against Denzi thigh. 

I don't know why but I feel rage starting to bubble up inside of me. I call Sirius " Sirius come." Sirius turns towards me and then turns back to Deniz and then turns back to me and comes. I have never seen him do that. He would also come to me unless it was Eda calling him. 

"Sorry, I just missed him." Deniz replied and started to walk back to the driveway. 

"Wait, what did you mean Eda doesn't want to talk to me? Do you know where she is? And why did my dog just do that to you? He hates stranger."I ask as I walk up to him. 

"Well for the past month Eda and I have been walking him every morning. So you could say we grew very close with each other" I could feel my eye start to twitch. 

"And as for Eda she told me not to tell anyone where she was, and I actually listen to her-"

Before he could finish his sentence I grab him by the collar and shove him up against the glass windows behind him. I hear the gasps behind me and the girls telling me to let him go. I could even hear Sirius barking. But I only see red. I shove him even harder when I see the bastard smile. 

I feel Engin and Ferit grabbing me and pulling me away. The girls run over to his side to make sure he was okay. I see him telling the girls that he was fine and straightens out his clothes. I struggle with Ferit and Engin telling to let me go, and point at Denzi.

"You don't know anything about me, so don't go assuming you know everything. Just tell me where she is."

Deniz dusts off his clothes and looks up at me and walks over.

"Look Serkan Bay when Eda came to me with this plan, she made me promise to not let anyone know where she was and I tend to keep my promises. Unlike like some people." 

I try to go after him again, but Engin holds onto me telling me to calm down. But how could I calm down when this bastard was keeping Eda from me. I see the girls pulling Deniz away to go to the car when I yell. 


He pauses and turns to face me. 

" I'm the one who kept my promise and came back when she needed me. I'm the one who brought Eda back when YOU left her.I am the one who was with her when you were gone. I am th one who put all the pieces back together again. I am the one who Eda waved good-bye too when she got on the plane. And I am the one she trusts to make her happy." He says looking right into my eyes. "The real question Serkan Bay, is who are you?" 

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