Headaches and Heartaches

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Opening the box I see my guitar pick why does she have my guitar pick? Next to it is a certificate for what looks likes to be a star. This is what she was talking about when she said I bought her a star. But that didn't sound like something I would-"

"I saw you took off the ring. I'm glad you know just how serious we are and now you realized that you no longer have a place in Serkan's heart. You never deserved it in the first place. This all started just so that he could get me back. " 

The sound of Selin's voice came from the laptop. Everyone had stopped reading their letters and were now looking at the laptop. I look to Selin and her face is ghost white. I don't understand what is going on. Then the I hear Edra's voice.

"My god you really think that don't you. You do realize that he is only like this because he does not remember anything. I wonder what is going to happen when he remembers everything that you had done to-"

Selin had come around the table and closed the laptop. She was breathing heavy and ghost white. Everyone was looking at her. But she just looks at me. 

"Serkan let's go. I will explain everything at home. Come let go." She said while grabbing my hands.

"Selin what is she saying? What have you done?" I ask her. I grab my head and I feel a headache coming on. 

"Ferit play the rest of the recording." I hear Eda's friend Deniz say from this corner. I don't know why but I didn't like him from the first meeting. 

"Ferit. Don't." Seline turns to face him. "Serkan remember what I said. She is manipulating you to make me the bad guy. I told you this might happen. You can trust me." Selin said looking at me with her big blue eyes. But she is hiding something I can feel it. So I turn back to Ferit and ask him to play it.  

Selin lowers her and and walks away from me and tries to leave the room. Deniz blocks her from leaving. He whispers something to her but I can't hear it, but I see Selin stiffen and she turns around to face me. I turn back to Ferit and nod my head. He opens the laptop and pushes play. 

"done to him. Hiding your dealings with Kann the one person he hated the most, relieving to the press about our contract, and finally telling me that his father was the reason for my parents death."  

I hear multiple gasps spread across the room but I don't know from whom. I'm trying to process what had just been said and I get a sudden flash of Selin in a pink suit and Eda crying in what seems to be kitchen I try to process it but Eda keeps on going.

"Selin I just want you to remember a life can change within a day even a couple of hours. We both know from our marriages that it really does only take a moment to change everything. I am wondering what Serkan will do this time he realized that you not only kept him from his family and friends for two months. While also lying to him about his life and what you did to him. The last time he broke what little friendship you had left. I wonder what he might do this time."

I keep getting flashes of Selin and me yelling at her for something. I don't think it was a good memory is that what Eda is talking about? It was raining when it happened, another flash comes with Eda looking up at me with tear filled eyes. The imagine hurts me and I don't know why. I look up to Selin for some type of explanation. Selin starts to walk towards me and goes to open her mouth but the recording keeps going. 

"Your wrong, he won't remember. He's been with me for two months and nothing has happened. He loves and trusts me and we are getting married. The engagement part is tonight, here at the office. You should come and see that Serkan has nothing left for you."

"That's the end of the recording..." Ferit says while closing the laptop. He look at Selin and just shakes his head and goes and walks over to Ceren I believe who is crying. I look around the table and see everybody's expression is either shocked or angry and maybe a little bit of both. 

"Selin you are the only who told Eda about the accident?" My mother asks in a small voice. "Who gave you the right to ruin my daughter's life like that. They suffered so much because of that. And you go and tell her? You had no right!" My mother was on her feet at that point yelling at Selin.

But Selin was only looking at me, searching for something. But all I could focus on was the fact that this recording didn't match up with what she had told me about what had happened in the past year. And did anne just call Eda daughter? 

Selin started walking towards me again and tried to grab my hand but for some reason I flinched away from like it was instinct. I see a flash of pain overtake her face. 

"Selin, what is she talking about. That I ended our friendship, and you working with Kaan. Selin what is happening?" I ask her.

"Serkan I told you she would manipul-"

"Selin don't you dare finish that sentence." Engin yells at her. " I am not one who shouts and is mean to people but I have had it with you and your lies."

I look up at Engin because I have never heard him this upset with someone before, not even in college he was always an easy going guy. 

" The only person here that is manipulating him is you. You have been lying to him and telling him allah knows what for who knows how long. But it stops today. I can't even look at myself in the mirror because of how we treated Eda these past two days." Engin looks like he is about to cry, and Peril rubs his arm to calm him down. 

Looking around the table I see that everyone has their head down and wiping tears from their eyes even my anne. 

Engin calls me which makes me snap my head back to him.

"Abi Selin has been lying to you. I am sorry that we haven't tried hard enough to tell you, but you and Eda love each other with every fiber of your being. You two would fight but then get back together with even brighter smiles on your faces. You would get anxious of you didn't see Eda in your eyesight every second of everyday. "

Engin wasn't making any sense....the headache was getting worse.I felt myself starting to sweat. I felt myself start to sway I tried to grab onto the chair but I missed and fell to the floor. I heard everyone calling my name, but the last thing I saw before closing my eyes was Eda walking away from me...........

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