New Dawn

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Waking up early had never been my strong suit. But today the nerves had barely even let me sleep. It was five in the morning and I had to meet the lawyer at seven to finish the last of the paperwork. I got dressed and put on my mother's necklace that Hala gave me on my wedding day. I'm going to have my mom with me now that I am leaving. I go downstairs and meet Deniz outside an hour later, he helped me load everything into the car. Lucky Melo was a heavy sleeper and Afyer Hala was still out with Chef Alex, I was happy that she had found someone to make her happy. It was cute when she was hiding it from me, them acting like teenagers gave me some joy the past two months. 

After everything was in the trunk I look back at my childhood house that gave me such a happy life. I was glad that I had paid off the mortgage so that Hala wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Once more look and I got into the car. Deniz took me  to his cafe where we waited for the lawyer to arrive. While drinking coffee I could feel Deniz's eyes on me.

"Don't Deniz, you promised. I told you my decision is final."

"Okay Eda, but I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't at least try to stop you. I mean c'mon I already missed five years with you and know who knows how many more years."

"Oh Deniz please you were having the time of your life traveling all over the world. Being a free spirit." 

"You are right."

"And Deniz you know where I will be. I will email you to let you know I am fine and to get updates on the girls. But Deniz you can't tell anyone where I am. " I look at him. Pleading with my eyes.  He nods his head and grabs my hands. 

"Okay Eda whatever you want."

"Thank you, now don't make me crazy the lawyer will be here any minute."

With perfect timing the lawyer enters the cafe.

"Good morning Ms. Yildiz."

"Good morning Mr. Lawyer, and Eda please" We shake hands and take a seat. 

" Yes of course shall we get right to business?"

"Yes of course."

"Okay Eda, I must tell you this is one of the strangest request a client has asked from me, but your grandmother told me whatever you wanted." 

"Yes I am aware, but it is what I want."

"Okay well if you just sign here everything will be finalized." 

With that I grab the pen and sign on the dotted line that will break me free for awhile.  I let out a breathe and set the pen down. 

"Okay everything is in order and you are good to go. I wish you well with your travels Eda."

" Thank you very much, but if you could do one more thing for me please."

"Why of course." He looks at me with a puzzled expression. 

"Thank you." I point to the couch and say " Can you give that to him when you meet him later?"

"It would be my pleasure and again Eda, safe travels."

The lawyer leaves and it's just me and Deniz. I grab my bag and look at Deniz and say  

"It's done, no turning back now."

"C'mon Eda you don't want to be late." 

He leads me out to his car and opens the door for me. I get in the car and put on my seatbelt on. The drive was a quiet one, looked out too the busy life of Istanbul thinking about how much I would miss certain things. Like going night fishing with the girls and eating fish bread on the harbor. Going down to the market to talk with the uncles and aunties. I would miss Turkey a lot, but I would be back one day though when that day was even I didn't know. 

I didn't even notice that we have arrived at the air strip until Deniz had opened my door. I got out of the car and went to grab my bags. Deniz stopped me pointed to the men coming towards the car. Meaning that they would grab the bags. 

"Well I guess this is goodbye, Eda." Deniz said leaning against the car with his arms crossed.

"For now it is. But we will email and talk when I land, and I'll tell you about all my adventures to make up for all the bragging you did to us when you went away." I say with a small grin on face. I truly was excited for what awaited me when on got on the plane.

"And if I don't hear from you at least once a week I will fly to wherever you are and come find you." Deniz threatened me with a huge grin on his face. 

" Of course you will, I wouldn't expect anything less." I turn to hug him goodbye, I let go and reach into my purse and pull out my phone and see that the lawyer had texted me. 

" Give me a moment Deniz I have to make one last phone call."

"Okay, I'll go check with the pilot to make sure everything is ready." Denzi walks towards the plane.

I dial the number and lean against the car and wait for the other line to pick up. 

"Hello Ferit."

"Eda where are you I am already at the cafe."

"Ferit I'm sorry but I am not coming today."

"Eda what do you mean. I thought we were going to talk about the holding."

"Your right, but you are going to talk about the holding. There is a man that just walked in, he will explain everything to you."

"Eda, what is going on? Is everything alright?"

"Ferit I just want to say thank you for being there for me from the beginning. We became friends through the pain from our loved ones and I hope I will be able to still call you my friend after all this is over."


"Goodbye Ferit."

I hung up the phone and tossed the phone back into the passenger seat of Deniz's car. I wouldn't need it where I was going. I take my sunglasses out of my bag and put them on and walk towards a new life. I give Deniz one last hug goodbye and climb the up the airplane's stairs. I turn back to look at Deniz and wave goodbye. I take in one last breath of Turkey air and I turn around towards my new life. 

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