Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

"BOTH OF YOU ENOUGH!" Masking my surprise that Sam's all but screamed for us to shut up I placidly wander off to the side. Completely removing myself from the situation. Sam approaching Anna, he kindly asks "Are Angel's talking?"

Brows furrowing, Anna dismissively shakes her head only to clarify "No. No, it's more of a loop. It says Dean Winchester gives us Anna by midnight or..." Trailing of I feel Anna's hesitation snag my attention "... or we hurl him back to damnation."

Noticing from the edge of my gaze Dean visibly perplexing at that last sentence, Sam presses "Do you know of any weapons that can be used against an Angel?"

"To-o what? Kill them?"

"No we think light tickling should do the trick."

Turning around on his heel Sam frustratedly snaps at me "Do you actually plan on offering something useful?"

"I'm sorry", I begin tugging at my hair "I'm stressed!"

"You're stressed?!"

Completely removing myself from the situation I beeline for the cabin door and slam it open. Letting it fall behind me with a definitive bang. This situation is a shit show. Behave no plan, no backup, and no tricks. It's a battle of Godzilla versus Mothra and we're stuck plain in the center. Jumping up onto the Impala hood I lean back with a heavy frustrated sigh. Breathing in and out of the cold chilled air to calm me down with everything around me spiraling out of control.

I'm not sure how long I'm out here for but it's been long enough for the cloud cover to clear and allow the stars to twinkle through. The night looming over me like a weighted blanket. A dark, suffocating blanket. "You look overwhelmed", Anna's sweet voice trickles through eh darkness "And yet I'm the one everyone wants to kill."

Without averting my gaze from the stars, I grimly mutter "We like to make a habit of throwing ourselves into other people's business."

"Isn't there an honor in that?"

"It's stupid is what it is", heaving myself off my back, my feet continue dangling over the edge of the Impala. "It's human instinct to preserve ourselves from the things that can kill us", I reason with Anna, meekly shrugging "And yet we always find ourselves right on the brink. Sometimes right over the edge."

Gazing meticulously at me Anna understandingly nods. Sauntering over with her hands folded over her chest, Anna leans beside me. "I think it's one of the most beautiful things about creation", Anna confesses lightly "You live and you die. There is no endless cycle of observation."

"I dunno", I pick precariously at my fingernails "To be as powerful as an Angel... I'd give anything for it."

This time it's Anna's turn to become grim, "You mean cold as a statue? To have no choice? No freedom?"

Pursing my lips watching my mood drag hers down, I empathize "Sounds like a very long few centuries." Anna's lips tugging up into a faint smile, I suddenly feel myself nagging to ask "Can I ask why you hesitated on me back when we'd found you at your church? When you said you feel like you know us..." Trailing off I feel myself hesitating to wonder "Do the Angels... do they talk about me?"

Anna's brows furrowing I feel my anxiety picking back up. Is it really not that good? "The Angels talk about you in snippets. Whispers amongst a bigger plan I haven't heard much of. You Alexanders are kind of famous up there", Anna explains to me carefully. The cogs turning back as if Anna's trying to recall everything and anything she can. Shifting her weight against the Impala, Anna tells me "Like Sam, there is a plan for Dean. Both their fates foresaw as it has been for decades." Catching my eye, Anna admits "But the Angel's never expected for you and Dean to fall in love. Not in this lifetime and most certainly not with each other."

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