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War blinks, once, twice, three times until the cold melted ice cream touches his hand, and he is back to reality. War touches his lips that partially was 'touched' by Meen's lips. He can only see Meen's back afterward. There are a lot of emotions inside War, but happy is not one of them. War looks at that messy ice cream in his hand and he started to walk, fast. So fast, he passed Meen who walks so slow in front of him. Meen also gets back to his reality when he saw War walks pass him.

War walked so fast until he saw a trash bin, he throws that ice cream, or what is left of it, harshly the bin and took the residue in his hand by wiping it on to his black pants. War back to walking with Meen runs to get to him. 

'War!' 'War!' Meen shouts while runs a bit, but War doesn't respond. 

'War' Meen takes War's hand and pulls him a bit. He can see a bit of anger in his eyes. 

War takes back his hand and stare back at Meen. 'War' 'I'm sorry' 'it was-' 

'Forget it' War cuts him. 'Just forget about it' 'Let's take this as the last time we meet outside work, sir' 

War turns his body 

'I love you!' 'I love you, War' 

War's body suddenly stiffen hearing this confession from Meen. 'What is this', he thinks. 'why these people like to play around with person like him'  

War walks away, fast. He is practically running. He cannot face Meen, he still couldn't believe what he heard. Meen who understands that he cannot confront War at this point, only stands there looking at running War who eventually out of his sight after several moments. 

War running, and running, he doesn't know why he feels like this. He could practically slap Meen or hit him for partially kissing him without his consent, but he didn't do it. And, the confession, why it feels different than the one he got from Bright. He could refuse Bright right away, no hesitation, no thinking twice, but this, why he is running away, why did he is afraid in facing Meen. 

War keeps running until he accidentally bump into someone, and both falls to the ground. War looks at the old man he just bumped into and feels terribly sorry for him. 

'My God, I'm so sorry' 'I'm so sorry sir' 'Please forgive me' War said with a guilty face while helping the man. He tries to clean the dirt on the man's black pants by tapping on them softly. 'I'm so sorry' 'I was so stupid' War said to the old man who just smiles at War who keeps bowing to the man. 

'ah, your hands' War takes that man's hands and see some scratches on its palms, maybe when he tried to hold his body weight when they both fell. War looks around, sees if he can get anything, he sees a convenient store across the street.

'Sir, can you sit here first' War guiding him to a bench near them. 'I'll get you something for the wound' 'Please stay here, I'll be quick' War pleads to him and he just nods. 

War runs as fast as he could and get some water, ointment and bandages from the convenient store. War arrived before the old man and get down on his knees

'please drink this first sir' War hands him a water bottle and open it for him. 

'Can i see your hand?' War takes that hand and get another water bottle and pour a bit of water to the hand and taps them dry softly. 'I'm sorry if it hurts' War looks up to face the old man who just smiles and shakes his head.

War puts some ointment to the wound and intend to wrap the hand with bandages. 

'I think that would be too much for just a small scratches like this' the old man finally said something. 

YinWar - Realistic Love S2 [Complete]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon