[BONUS TRACK] Office Affair 3.0

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Yin is livid, he looks at those papers in his hands and listening to the explanation from his assistant. He sighs out of anger, his chest feels tight, he relaxes his tie as he stands up and walks a bit from his table.

Yin throws those papers to his assistant's face and he just accepts it just like he knows he deserves that.

'What I said about to keep an eye on him!'

'I've told you that no one, no one, could touch him!'

'And now you're telling me that these scums have been bullied him for weeks!'

'You really want to die!'

Yin smacks his assistant on the back of his head, it wasn't soft, the smack is so hard.

The assistant could not say anything, he just looks straight. He knows he deserves Yin's anger and he is ready to get hit anytime, anywhere. This is the first time Yin ever punished him physically, Yin is very perfectionist, he wants everything to be in order and error free. This assistant is one among Yin's 4 assistants, but he is the closest to Yin. He is the one who organizing all Yin's schedule and the only one who gets involved in his personal matters. He is the smartest and the bravest among the 4, Yin offered him a place in his circle after seeing him being treated so badly by his previous boss, which is one of Yin's biggest competitor and the father of Yin's former classmate, Tay Tawan.

The guy being left behind almost dead in an alley after Tay's father failed to secure a very huge deal and being outbested by Yin's company. Yin never asked about his past, he treated him fair. Yin also helped his family who was stranded in North Korea and unable to cross the country. Yin provided each of his parents, brothers and sister, new identities, brought them back to Thailand and gave them a place to live. He even helped his brothers and sisters to get work and good school.

In short, he owes Yin everything, he dares to lay his life for his current boss. When he knew about War, it was when Yin still the old version of Yin. Yin who didn't have anything else other than his works, Yin who was so ruthless, a cold and heartless human being. But when War came back to his life everything changed drastically. Yin has so many things on his plate, and he asked his assistant to help him to watch over War.

When this thing happened to War, he really feels like a huge failure. He almost turned to probably kill every single person that has bullied War. Aside from his loyalty to Yin, he also getting to sincerely care about War. War respects him, he never treated him badly even though he has all the power over Yin. He sees how War never took advantage over his so privileged relationship with Yin, War is a person with dignity.

'Bring me Ohm' Yin said shortly 


'Mr. Thitiwat'

Ohm looks at Yin's assistant who just enters his room.

'Oh, Mr. Chansook'

Ohm raises from his seat as he sees Yin's assistant entering his room.

Yin's assistant not even get into Ohm's room, he stands behind that open door which he still holds into.

'Mr. Wong asks for you' he said

'Me? when?'

'Now, come on' he said and walks from that door.

Ohm was a bit startled and confused actually, there's no explanation from the assistant as to why the CEO is calling him, but he walks fast immediately and follows him. It is so silent in the elevator going up to that level 40.

'May I know why the CEO wants to see me?' Ohm finally dare to ask when they almost reached level 40.

Yin's assistant turns to him and stares at him coldly 'just prepare yourself' he said and gets out from that elevator because they have arrived in the level 40.

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