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'Mr. Wong..' the lawyer says while entering Yin's office with two of his associates. 

Yin walks to them 'How is it?' 

'They are offering a deal' the lawyer said

'A plea deal?' Yin asked

the lawyer nods 

'10 years for 2nd degree murder' he continues 

'Are they out of their mind, it was pure self defense, they should've freed him right now' 

'No way we're going to settle with that' 'I want him to be freed' Yin demanded

'Then we need your mother to take the stand' the lawyer said 

'my mother?' 

'Yes, Mrs. Wong, he can establish the fact that War didn't fly out of the country to run away, he was under duress' the lawyer explains 

'What happen to her if she does it?

'The court my charge him with the obstruction of justice, the prosecution can aim at immigration law violation' 

'But we believe we can sort that out, we can defend her and we can guarantee she can walk free' 

'You just need to convince her to talk' 

'What if she refuses?' 

'Then we need to work out on the deal, and find a better bargain for the prosecutor. 

Yin nods while thinking hard on how to talk and convince her mother to become War's witness. 


'Stop looking at me like that' Earth said while smiles a bit at the apple he is currently peeled. 

Kao who is sitting on his bed while leaning on his back cannot help to smile looking at the scenery in front of him. Never he imagined that he can be with Earth again, after everything he did to him. 

'Thank you Earth' Kao said softly 

'And I'm sorry' 

Earth stands and walks with the plate in his hand, he sits at the edge of Kao's bed. 

'It's time to let go what happened in the past, Kao' 

Earth takes on of the apple and offers them to Kao. Kao opens his mouth and takes that peeled apple from Earth. Earth smiles at him sincerely. 

'I miss you' Earth said finally 

'You hurt me, a lot actually' 'I tried to forget you, but it's impossible to hate you as my heart always yearns for you' 

Kao listening to Earth with his eyes started teary


Kao takes his hand and Earth can see some tears already fallen on to Kao's cheek. 

'Can we try again?' 

Earth looks at Kao 

'I- I mean, of course if y-' 

Earth suddenly leans forward and captures Kao's lips which stops him from completing his words. Earth presses his lips a bit more, sucking Kao's lips softly. Kao who was stunned for a couple of seconds immediately feels his entire body getting so warm and full of comfort. Kao gets himself to an upright position and deepen the kiss. 

'I'm so sorry, Earth' Kao said after they release the kiss. 'I've messed everything up, I ruined my own best friend's life, and I-' Kao starts teary. 'I- I have destroyed War's life' 

YinWar - Realistic Love S2 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now