[BONUS TRACK] Office Affair 6.1 - Fin

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Yin is sitting next to sleeping War, he doesn't moved since he brought War in to the hospital, It's been 2 hours already. The doctor said that his kidney is flaring up, due to stress and lack of rest. 

'Sir' Yin heard his assistant entering that VVIP room 

'Here are the documents you've asked' his assistant handed him several documents 

'I've rescheduled all your meetings for today' he said further to Yin's nod 

'I've talked to Mr. Ohm also, about Mr. Wanarat absence for probably several days' again Yin nods. 

Yin's phone buzzed, he looks at it and stands from his seat. 

'Stay here, I need to take this' Yin said to his assistant and walks to the door. 



Yin can feel someone taps his shoulder from behind, he turns around and finds his assistant while he still talking on the phone. 

'He's awake' his assistant whispers 

Yin nods and hurriedly ends his call. He walks fast to the door and gets inside the room. 

'Hei.. hei' Yin walks fast to approach War who currently try to get off the bed 

'Baby, what are you doing?' 

Yin takes his shoulder and tries to bring him back to the bed, War shoves Yin's hands and makes space from him. War glares at Yin with his still tired eyes. 

'War-' Yin tries to get hold of him but War steps back 

'War, you still need to rest baby' Yin said 

'I'm fine' War said coldly 

War tries to get his cellphone from the night stand but Yin gets his hand first. 

'War, please' Yin pleads 

War tries to take back his hand but Yin's grip is a bit strong. 

'Let go of my hand' 

'I need to go' War said coldly

'You're not going anywhere, you're still unwell' Yin responded 

'It's none of your business' 

'What are you talking about' Yin starts to snap a bit 

'Let's break up, I'll resign from your company' War said flatly 

'Break up? War, you're getting too far. It was a misunderstanding' 

War smirks in between the pain he projected in his eyes, 'There is no misunderstanding when you proudly admit of cheating on me' 

'I don't want to make things complicated. I know you're seeing other women, so let's just end this' War said nonchalantly to the anxious look of Yin

Yin sighs so hard. 

'War, I never cheated on you. I didn't see anyone behind your back'

'What I said last night was-, it was stupid. I'm an idiot-, I'm an idiot, War. I'm sorry. What I said was not true. I was angry, and mad, I was so jealous seeing Prom and you-, I just-...' 

'I don't know why I said that, I just probably wanted you to feel the same thing that I felt when I saw Prom so closed to you. I want to hurt you... I'm sorry' 

Yin looks down, he feels so gutted, so panic right now. What if War doesn't believe him, what should he do. 

War releases his hand from Yin, then back to sit on the bed, his body is still a bit weak and tired actually.    

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