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7 months later ...

'Morning Mr. Wanarat' a lady said to War the moment he walked passed her towards a room. 

'War is fine, Phi Mint' War responded and smiling at her

'But you are my boss, it's weird you know' 

'Ok, ok, just do as you please' War said

'What's my schedule for today?' War said as he entered his office and Mild, his secretary follows him from behind. 

'You will have a conference call at 10 with Zynx Investment, scheduled until 11.30' 'Then you will have 2.30 meeting with Mr. Prom and his colleagues' 

'Ok, thank you, Phi' 

War is currently running his new start up company. After he fully recovered, he decided to not continue to work in Wong's group. After doing some thinking and research, he decided to pursue his interest in building a digital ecosystem related to medical services. He did the pitch towards his closest circle, and Bright and Prom becoming the company earliest angel investors. Just in a matter of months the news are spreading, more investors showed their interest in the company. War has build the company from a rather small team consisted of 5 people, and now there are already almost 50 people working with him. Yin has been trying to invest in the company, but War always reject him. 


War heard a knock on his door and looked up to see that a man entering his office. 

'Do you have a time?' he asked as he still stands near the door

'Yeah, sure' 'Do you need anything?' War said 

'Great!' the guy walks to approach War's desk.

'I want to show you the design for our new section in the apps, as we discussed several days a go' 'The team has prepared this preliminary design, and I want you see it first and if you are happy with it, we will continue to build the rest' 

'ok, that's fast, let me see it then' 

The guy walks to stand next to War and puts his laptop in front of War. 

'So.. this is the landing page' the guy bends his body a bit to operate the laptop besides War while describing stuffs showed on his laptop screen. 


Yin looks at his watch, 11.30 am. He takes his phone and dials War's number. 

'Why is his phone off?' Yin said to himself after several attempts to call War, none is answered. He decided to call the office and he got the information that War is indeed in the office. He decided to come and pay his boyfriend a surprise visit. 


'Oh, Hello Mr. Wong' War's secretary greets Yin when she sees him walking towards her direction. 

'Is War in his office?' 

'Ah, yes sir, he is inside with Alan'


'Yes, sir Alan from the design department' 

Yin just nods but his mood has slightly changed once he heard that guy name. Even after so many things happened between both of them, one thing that never change is Yin's extra possessiveness towards War. Yin wanted to invest so much money into War's company so that he will have the right to actually filter the people who will work with War. That sounds desperate, really, but it's Yin, he just too whipped. 

Yin opens the door and finds a view that makes him wants to throw chair towards the guy who is now so close to War. The guy has his body bends to get his head close to War's, War is too engrossed with the laptop screen that he doesn't realize that Yin is standing in near the door and staring at him. Yin rolled his eyes when he sees the guy is literally staring at his boyfriend intently, Yin knows that eyes and gestures. The guy smiles when he stares at War who still having his focus at what he sees in front of him. 

YinWar - Realistic Love S2 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now