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both War and Yin stop their movement as both startled with that loud voice. 

'Get your hands of him!' 

Yin's hand suddenly being grabbed and his body is pulled away from War. War who looks so confused fix himself right away, buckled his bet and as fast as he can, put all his shirt's buttons in place. 

'Meen!?' War jumps from the bed and approaches Meen who currently holding on Yin's collar. 

'Meen, what are you doing?' 'Let him go!' War tries to get Meen's hands of Yin. 'No!' Meen pushed War and made him almost losing his balance. 

'You bastard!' Yin pushes Meen when he saw Meen pushed War harshly  'Don't you dare to touch him!' Yin yelled at him and got to War. 

'You ok, War?' War just nods. 

Meen turns to War and grabs his arm and pulls him to him. 

'Hei!' War glares at Meen and takes his hand back. 'What are you doing Meen?' 

'I'm the one who needs to ask you, what are you doing here?' Meen glares back at War. 

'Why did you lie to me!?' 

'I didn't lie to you, and how do you know I am here?' War said 

'Let's go back' Meen again grabs his hand 

'War is staying' Yin grabs War's other hand 'Let him go, Meen' 'Let my boyfriend go!' Yin said firmly to Meen. 

'Boyfriend?' Meen looks at War who just avoiding Meen's gaze. 

Meen walks away with his hand still holding War's hand and dragging him, But War cannot move because Yin holds his other hand, also so hard. 

'Let me go, you two!' Meen still trying to walk 

'My hands hurt!' War screams as his hands have turned red do to the hard grip by both Meen and Yin. 'Please let my hands go, Meen, Yin' War looks at Meen and Yin who still glaring at each other and seem to not have any intention to let go each hold. 

'What is this?' another voice coming from the door. 

War looks at Prom entering the room followed by Gulf and Mean. Both Meen and Yin do not even move their eyes. 

'Yin, what is going on' Gulf approaching the three persons. 

'He is coming with me' Meen again tries to drag War 'In your dream!' Yin holds still. 'Argghh!!!' War can feel that his body can be ripped into two by these two big men. 

'Stop it you two!' Prom raises his voice. 'Can't you see that he is hurting?' Prom pointing at War, both Yin and Meen turns their sight to War who can be seen under certain pain. They turn to War's hand they are holding on. 

'W-War, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby' Yin takes War's redden wrist and caresses it. 

'Meen' Prom looks at Meen 'Let him go, I'll take War home' 

Meen turns to Prom 'This is not your business, get lost!' Meen said

'Watch your attitude, nong' 'We are all older than you' Mean interrupts 'Let War going home with us' 'Just go home, don't make any trouble here' 

'I'm not asking for trouble, I'm here to take War' Meen still firms with his stance. 

'Meen, I'll go home with them' War said to Meen who turns his face to War and looking at him with a bit of anger. 

'What are you doing here War?' 'You were rejecting me but allowing him to touch you?' Meen pointing at Yin. 'You promised me to forget him, to try to open yourself for me' 

YinWar - Realistic Love S2 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now