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Love, romance, are among things that War cannot handle easily. He never seek for love or romantic relationship in his life, he always considers himself as a lone wolf. His love story with Yin was something he never expected, being deeply in love just to get hurt so bad leaves a huge scar in War's soul. He never asked to be loved by someone like Yin, who was born with a silver spoon, but it's just happened. He just wants to have a normal life.  


'Hello' War said to the woman greeting him through his desk phone. 'Mr Wanarat, Mr Meen Khajornborirak wants to speak to you, please hold the line' the woman said 

'but-' War cannot give his excuse since the lady just connecting their lines right away. 

'Hello, War?' War can hear Meen's voice. 

'hmmm...' War responds 

War: Why are you calling me through the office line?

Meen: So, why didn't you pick up any of my calls to your mobile, or responds to my message? I'm desperate here, you see. 

War: sorry, I was busy 

Meen: busy? did you get too much work? Do you want me to talk to your manager, get him to reduce your work? 

War: what? no! don't you dare to talk to my manager! I-

Meen: ok, ok, I'm just asking tho! 

Meen: anyway, how are you, it's been three days. I missed you.

War: stop playing around Meen, you are there for work, focus on that. 

Meen: it's your fault, you make me so worried that I couldn't concentrate on my work here. 

War: Meen..

Meen: I'm serious, please don't give me that radio silent. You can simply answered my text with a yes or no, or even one letter it's fine. I just need to know your ok, that's all. 

War can feel a warmth air gets into his heart. It's been quite sometime since the last time he can have this kind of normal conversation with other people. This kind of attention, he never has it, after those good times with Yin in the past. 

Meen: War.. War.. you still there? 

War: ah, y-yes, yes, yes. Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll respond to your text next time. 

War can hear Meen chukles and he can't help to also smile. 

Meen: don't you miss me? 

War: Meen, stop it

Meen: I can see you blushing War. 

'N-no' War instinctively has his hand on his cheek. He can feel it's getting warm. 

Meen just laughs a little. 

War: whatever, I need to hang up. I still have a lot to do here. 

Meen: ah, ok, ok. Don't work to much, take care of your health, ok. 

War: ok, you too. Don't forget to eat and rest. 

War might not see this as a significant thing, but for Meen, this means a lot to him. Meen is smiling from ear to ear. 

Meen: thank you, War. 

War: ok, bye then. 

'Hei War' War gets that right before he hangs up. 'Yes, Meen?' 

'hmm, I love you!' Meen said and hung up immediately. War still stunned with this act from Meen, he looks at the phone for a while and smile lightly before putting it down. 

YinWar - Realistic Love S2 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now