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It's been more than three weeks, since Yin left War's apartment after that huge fight between the two. No communication between them, at all, no phone calls, no messages, no nothing. Yin has buried himself in his office, he works like a mad man, no stopping him. He always arrived exactly at 6.30 and went home no less than 2am in the next day just to come again at 6.30 in the morning. Everyone can see this drastic changing in him, his secretary getting worried, the other member of the boards not so fond of this unnecessarily workaholic attitude of Yin. He rarely contacted his bestfriends, he responded to Prom once in a while but mostly disregarded his calls and messages.

Quite different from Yin, War has found himself a new job, he has been accepted as an intern in a clothing company, he is placed in a finance department, working as an assistant to the finance manager in that company. After being accepted in that company, War decided to quit from the lounge, as Earth also recommended him to do so. The salary they gave War sufficient enough to cover his tuition and daily expenses. War has rejected all the foods and packages sent by Yin and his people, once he wrote a note and gave it to the person who delivered the lunch package to be handed to Yin. After several days of rejection, Yin finally decided to stop the delivery. 

During those days, War has experienced the most peaceful days within these past months. No Emily, no lawyer, no one is bugging him, no one is threatening him. Does Yin finally give up on him? War wonders. 

'Hei, War' a middle age man taps War's shoulder who currently sitting at his desk staring blankly at the laptop before him. 'oh, I'm sorry sir' War startled and immediately pulls himself together. 'Is there anything I can help you with?' War asked politely. 'Yes, can you come with me to attend a meeting with the finance director this afternoon? He said. War nods and smiles. 'Great, let's meet at the 9th floor at 1pm'. Again War nods 'Ok, sir'. 


'Yin...' Emily said after a good 15 minutes of silence between her and Yin who currently sitting in a restaurant. Yin still look not interested but finally turns to look at Emily who sits in front of her. 

Emily: thank you for agreeing to see me, Yin

Yin: what do you want? haven't my assistant explained everything to you? 

Emily: Yin, about War- 

Yin: just shut your mouth, I don't want to hear anything from you.

Emily: Yin, can you please see this from my perspective. Don't you realize that you are so selfish, you are hurting me and him. You are putting both of us in pain because you only think about yourself. You were using me to distract yourself from War when he was not with you, knowing so well that I love you. When you found War, you throw me away just like that. 

Yin: No, I was only wrong to War, but not to you. You were the one who pushed yourself to me. I've refused the idea of romantically involved with you, you're the one forcing it. I've came clean to you when War is back, that I could not continue whatever things we had. 

Yin: I'm so disappointed with you, how could you threat War to leave me. And those pictures and videos, why did you that? I could put you in jail for taking those pictures and videos without my consent! But I still respect you, your parents. However that stops now, if you dare to mend with my life or War's, I will not hesitate to destroy you. 

Emily: I know War has refused to get back to you, why don't you accept his decision?  

Yin: I am

Emily: so, why don't we try again, then? 

Emily stands up and tries to take Yin's hand, but Yin quickly repulses that hand. 'This is the last time we meet, I don't want to have anything to do with you or your family' 'Don't ever think to get near War, I'll kill you myself if I know you hurt him again!' 

YinWar - Realistic Love S2 [Complete]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara