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'Have you found her?' Yin talks to someone on the phone. 

'Good, keep following her, make sure you have eyes on her 24/7'

'we already have the lead on the person stabbed Mr. Kao'  the assistant told Yin

'we are on our way to get him' 

'let me know the soonest you get the information on who sent him' Yin said further. 

Yin get himself ready to leave his office for a lunch meeting when he saw a stack of documents on his table, he opens it again and sighs 'how can I tell him' Yin massaging his forehead before leaving the room. 


'Mr Wanarat, there is a package for you' the officer said to War who is currently reading some book in his cell. 

He stands up, smiles and nods while walking to the delivery room with the officer walking behind him. Once reached the delivery room, the officer there handed War a brown envelope. 

'You have to open it here, you cannot bring it to your cell' the officer said and War nods in compliance. 

'Who sent this?' War asked the man while his hands still busy opening the envelope. 

'There is no sender's name' War continues 

'We don't know, a courier came with this. He said you are waiting for it' 

War looks confused after hearing the explanation, he never expected anything from anyone. All this time, only Yin who keeps sending him stuffs, and he always being notified by the lawyers. War takes out several papers, there are also some photos, old photos. He saw the photos first, 

He sees the photos one by one, he saw an old picture of his father and grandmother, then his own picture, he was still a baby in that picture. Then he takes this one picture with her mom and one woman who looks almost like a carbon copy of her, they just have a different hair styles in that photo. 

'What are these?' War mumbling while still digging through the photos until he took another photo that looks like a family portrait. He screened the picture carefully and found one familiar face, his father, holding a little girl on his arm with a woman stands closed to him and lean on her shoulder. 

'Who are these people?' War turns the photo and found some writing behind it

'Somsak Saetang, Earth Saetang, Julia Saetang, Prim Namwirote-Saetang' War reads the writing softly as his heart starts to beat a slight quicker seeing his father's name among those. He knows that his father left him and his mother when he was still a toddler but he never expected to receive all these information now, why now. 

War puts down the photos and starts to look at the other documents. There are birth certificates with the name of Katsamonat Saetang and Julia Saetang, along with the marriage certificate between Somsak Saetang and Prim Namwirote. 

War takes another paper, it was a court order to change name. 

'Katsamonat Saetang' 'Katsamonat Namwirote' War mumbles and find a picture attached to the letter. 

'P-Phi E-Earth?' War looks at the photo with dilated eyes and starts to screen the other documents and find a similar court order.

'Julia Saetang' 'Julia Namwirote' War sees Julia's photograph attached to that letter and his knees becomes so weak as he almost fall if the officer not help him to reach one of the chairs. War takes another documents start reading it as his hands start to tremble and his eyes becoming teary. He crumpled one of the documents before turns to the officer. 

YinWar - Realistic Love S2 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now