There Are Two?

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Brae's POV

Ace and I start piling our bags into his car to get ready to leave the territory.

"So, you are telling me you have some powers, but you are unsure of what powers you actually possess?"

"Yes Ace, I just told you that."

"It is just shocking, sorry for not wrapping my head around it right away."

I just smile and shake my head.

"Brae, Ace, we wanted to say goodbye," Helena smiles.

"Thank you for having us, but we should be getting back to our pack," I say.

"You are both welcome here anytime dear," Helena tells us.

"Thank you Luna," Ace smiles.

I got to turn around to hop on my motorcycle, but the former Alpha speaks up, "Nice to meet you, sorry it didn't work out between my son and you," he holds out his hand.

"It was nice to meet you as well," I shake his hand and a feeling washes over me.

I know he feels the same thing and I see an image of a wolf, a black wolf to be specific. There are other black wolves in the world.

"Nice to know there are others out there sir," I smirk.

"Same here, we will have to talk some time."

"You are welcome at my pack anytime."

He nods with a small smile and I am about to leave before I start to smell something off.

"What are you two talking abo..." I cut off Riggs and take another sniff.

I look to Jack, the previous Alpha, and he smells it too. Rogues. We both start sprinting to the backyard and I mindlink Ace on the way.

'Rogues,' is all I say.

We see wolves fighting and Jack was about to shift before I stop him.

"The real fight is deeper in the woods."

He nods and we run into the woods before shifting. We both stand in our midnight black wolves. He seems shocked when he looks at me and I notice I stand a few inches higher than he does.

We make it to the main fight where there are ten rogues. One shifts to human.

"Come with us quietly and we won't hurt you," he demands.

I look to Jack who looks and me and we both laugh. The rogues surround us and I feel Ace standing next to me. We are ready to fight until a grey wolf comes barging in and pounces on a rogue. Riggs.

Ace takes out one rogue and I take on four as Jack takes on the other four. Within 30 seconds we have all ten wolves lifeless on the ground.

Riggs shifts back first and says, "Who are you guys."

I snort out a laugh as well as Jack and Ace. We all shift back and the look on Riggs' face is priceless.

"What the fuck?" Riggs says.

"Son, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Jack apologizes.

"How? You are a grey wolf."

"One of my powers is being able to change the colour of my wolf. When I shifted, Xavier wanted to show Brae's wolf, Noctis, his true colour."

"Makes sense," I stated.

Since black wolves are so rare and they all go through the same thing, they are bonded like family members.

"Non of this makes sense Dad! If you are a black wolf, does that mean that you died? What happened?"

"Why don't we talk about this in your office," Jack suggests.

We all walk back to the pack house and Helena gives Jack and Riggs a big hug.

"Ace and I shouldn't really go," I tel them as we reach the house.

"Before you go, can I talk to you for a moment, Brae?" Jack asks.

I nod and we walk away from the group and he was the the treelike for privacy.

"You are Braelynn, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Don't tell Riggs, Peter already knows so it will probably come up soon anyway."

"What happened that day?"

I sigh, "I was the odd one out in my pack since I was ten. My parents found out I didn't have a wolf and told everyone. I was eating lunch in the woods by the lake at the back of the school. Jake and Ryan came up behind me and started to beat me until my spine snapped. I couldn't move and since I didn't have a wolf, I didn't heal as fast. They..." I choke back a sob.

"It's okay, take your time."

I nod a few times, "They raped me. After that they left me there as I was bleeding pretty badly. I thought that looking up into the forest would be a good way to go. I gave up. I heard a growl from behind me before I closed my eyes for the last time. I just found out that that growl was Riggs."

Tears are streaming down my face and Jack embraces me in a tight hug.

"When I woke up, I was in a beautiful clearing in the woods and Pera was there. She explained that I was going back to earth and all that jazz. I met Ace not long after. We were both rogues."

"I am so proud of you! You are still standing strong after everything."

"Thank you, what happened to you?"

"I was in a different situation, but as you can guess, it turned out the same way. I was sixteen and the Alpha King's son. Rogues attacked one day and I went to fight. I met my mate that day, she was a rogue. I was prepared to accept her, no matter her rank, but she had other plans."

He takes a deep breath and I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"She attacked me while I was swooning over her. She killed me right there without a second thought."

"I'm so sorry Jack."

"I'm not, I came back and my father was so proud that I got the approval from the Moon Goddess. I met my second chance and we had Riggs. I couldn't have thought of my life going any better."

"What powers do you have?" I wonder.

"I can change my wolf colour, my scent, send mindlinks to anyone, and enhanced fighting skills."

"Wow, how did you figure them out?"

"It happened by accident at first and then I learned to control it. What power do you have?"

"I can remove the mark of a mate with permission from one of the couple, I am really good at fighting, but I don't know if that's a power or just because I train hard. I don't know what other powers I have. I just found out about the mark one. Pera contacted me."

He looks shocked, "She contacted you while you were alive?"


"That never happens, I wonder why."

"Hey Brae! We have to go! A pack is asking for our help!" Ace shouts.

"Coming!" I yell back. "Thank you Jack, for everything."

"If you ever need help, just ask. This is my cell number," he hands me a card.

"If you need help, you can call me as well, here," I give him my number.

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