What Just Happened?

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Riggs' POV

I walk up to my beta, Grey, who sits in the kitchen at the counter. He looks my way and smiles.

"Morning," he greets.

"What's so good about it," I mumble.

I have been so down lately. Not having my mate yet is really making me feel down in the dumps.

"Oh cheer up man, she is probably still waiting for you or maybe she isn't sixteen yet."

"They would be a little young in my opinion. She has to be old enough and my parents are pushing me to just chose a mate because I need a Luna. What should I do Grey?"

"I don't know man. Maybe go for a run and clear your mind."

I think for a moment before agreeing that it would be a good idea. I say goodbye to Grey and walk outside shifting into my grey wolf.

I let my wolf, Peter, guide me while I just sit back in my mind and think. Where are you my mate? I really need you.

Riggs, something is wrong, Peter tells me.

What do you mean Peter?

There is just something wrong, I can feel it. I am going to see what's going on.

Be careful. Give me control when you get there.

Peter nods and I continue to watch as he runs in the direction of the local high school. Are rogues attacking there? I hope not.

He stops across from the river where I saw that beautiful girl yesterday. She seems to be a human, but I'm not sure. She was just staring at me as I stared back. She had a small smile playing on her lips.

I feel my ears twitch as I strain to hear the sound again. It is a whimper and Peter beings running faster once he hears it. We run to a fallen tree and cross the river.

What's going on? I ask.

What he says next bring great joy to me. Mate.

My joy turns sadness when I see that beautiful girl laying on the forest floor bloodied and naked. Peter growls at the sight and we both become furious. I growl at the thought of whoever did this to her. Her eyes flutter shut and her breathing becomes more shallow and her heart beat is faint. I quickly shift back to my human form with my clothes on and gently lift her up before sprinting to my neighbouring pack. Their pack house is closer than mine is and this girl, my mate, needs my help right away.

I have an alliance with this pack so we often visit each other territory and right now I am so happy for that alliance. I run right up to the pack house doors and knock hard.

The beta opens the door and looks at me with shock before looking at the girl in my arms. I see anger cross his face before he looks back at me.

"King Riggs. What do we owe the pleasure?" He speaks as if I am not holding a bloodied and bruised girl in my arms who is hanging on by a thread.

"She needs help right away. I found her and your pack doctor was closer than mine. Take me to the hospital wing now," I say, worry in my tone.

His eyes glaze over for a moment as he mindlinks someone and then he looks back at me, "I'm sorry, but we cannot take her to our doctors."

I am outraged by his comment, "Excuse me!"

He opens his mouth to speak before the alpha, Ethan, appears behind him, "Alpha Riggs, hello."

"What is wrong with you people," I lose my temper, "There is a girl dying in my arms right now and you both just stand there pretending everything is fine."

"Ah yes, Braelynn," Ethan states.

Braelynn, what a beautiful name. It fits her so wonderfully.

"Where is your pack doctor Ethan."

"Braelynn Spark, I hear by exile you from the Moon Pack."

My eyes widen and then I hear a whimper of pain coming from the sleeping Braelynn in my arms. Being exiled from a pack is the second worse pain a wolf can experience next to a rejection from their mate.

"What did you just do!" I yell.

"She has been a burden to this pack ever since I can remember. It is about time I got rid of her. I hope she dies soon," Ethan smiles evilly.

A tear runs down my cheek, "Next time I see you, you will no longer be alpha."

I then turn and run to my pack house as fast as I can, hoping that Braelynn will just hang on a little longer. I feel her heart beat slowing ever more and she is barely breathing. I run faster.

I burst through the front door of my pack house and head straight to the medical wing. I shove those doors open with my back and start yelling for a doctor.

A doctor runs over to me with a stretcher, "What happened?"

"I don't know, she is my mate and I found her like this on the ground in the woods. You should know that I took her to the Moon Pack first since they were closer. She was a member there. The alpha just exiled her from the pack."

Doc's eyes widen, "Poor girl. You must wait until the waiting room Alpha. I will get you when she is out of surgery and can have visitors."

I reluctantly leave my mate in the capable hands of the pack doctor and head to the waiting room where I see my Grey waiting for me, pacing.

"What the hell happened Riggs? Who was that?"

"My mate," it comes out as a whisper.

"I'm sorry man," Grey says with a sorrowful look.

"She was in such bad shape when I found her and then the Moon Pack exiled her in that state. What is she doesn't make it?"

"She will make it Riggs, she has to. She is your mate, she must be strong. Do you know her name?"

A small smile creeps onto my lips, "Braelynn."


A low growl escapes my lips before I can stop it.

"Geez man, you just met her and you are already whipped."

"I really am."

A few hours go by as I continue to pace and I try to convince myself that everything will be fine. If she is still in surgery it must be okay.

I feel a tug on my heart which makes me stop in my tracks. Grey comes over to see if I am alright and I fall to my knees, pain radiating from my heart.

I let out a growl from the pain and soon, it is gone like nothing happened.

"What just happened?" Grey asks me.

"I have no clue," I reply, sitting down on a seat.

"Alpha," I hear a man say.

I look up to see the doc with a sad expression, "How is she?"

"I-I am so sorry Alpha Riggs, but her injuries were too extensive on top of getting exiled."

"What are you saying," I ask in denial.

"She died."

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