What Do I Do Now?

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Riggs' POV

I am currently sitting down beside my mate where she lays. My warm hand is covering her cold one. I stare at her lifeless body with tears falling down my cheeks.

"Why did you have to leave me after I just met you?" I wonder.

There is a knock on the door and I tell whoever it is to come in without looking away from my mate.

"Alpha, would you like to talk about what I found out about what happened to her?" Doc asks.

I sniffle, "Yeah, what happened?"

"You aren't going to like this, so prepare yourself," I nod at him. "There is evidence of abuse for many years. Lots of scars and broken bones that have healed over a long period of time. There is no evidence of her ever shifting probably due to the beatings and lack of food."

My breathing has increased and I growl lowly at the thought of my mate having to go through all of that.

I notice the doc has stopped talking, "Is that all?"

Doc shakes his head, "No, it isn't. Are you sure you want me to continue?" I nod, "Okay. She was beaten shortly before you found her, within minutes..."

He pauses, "What else, Doc?"

He sighs warily, "She was raped not long before you got there as well."

That set me over the edge, I can feel my eyes glowing bright green. I am on the verge of shifting. I look at Doc to see he is no longer in the room, probably for the best.

I shift into my grey wolf, Peter taking control, and start trashing my room, but sure not to touch my mate.

Peter calms down soon and rests his head on Braelynn's bed, licking her hand while whining.

A few minutes pass before Grey enters the room.

"Alpha, we should start preparing for her funeral."

Peter growls, but he knows Grey is right. Peter stands up and licks Braelynn's face before giving me back control and I shift back to human.

"Let's go," I say as I follow Grey out of the room.

He leads me back to my office in the pack house and when I walk through the door, my parents are waiting inside. Grey gives us some privacy and closes the door.

"What's going on Riggs? Grey asked us to come here, but didn't tell us why," my father asks.

"I met my mate," I say, sadness in my voice.

"That's amazing sweetie! Why do you look so sad?" My mother asks.

"She died," I mumble.

"What?" My father wonders.

I take a deep breath, "She died," I shakily say.

"Oh honey, I am so sorry," my mom embraces me in a bone crushing hug.

My father placed a hand on my shoulder, "What happened?"

"Her old pack abused her for years and today she was beaten and raped. When I found her, she was barely holding on."

I then explained how I brought her to the Moon pack and what they did.

"Son, you do know what this means though. I know you don't want to hear it, but you need a mate and a Luna."

"I know. I just need some time dad."

We discuss the details of her funeral and she will be buried in the royal cemetery because she is...was my mate. We are holding her funeral tomorrow.

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