A Second Chance

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Brae's POV

I stare blankly in shock at Ace after he said 'mate'. I am blessed with a second chance. A big, goofy smile spreads across my lips and I jump into Ace's arms feeling the amazing sparks from where we touch each other. He spins me around while holding me tight.

"I am so happy it's you," Ace grins.

Ace's first mate rejected him because he was a rogue and she was an Alpha's daughter.

We decide to go on a walk since neither of us want to be surrounded by people we don't know. We eventually come across the kitchen.

"I love how no matter where we go, we always end up where the food is," Ace chuckles.

"I was just think the same thing," I laugh.

"God, I love your laugh."

We talk and laugh for about fifteen minutes before someone walks in.


I turn to see it is Riggs. I wonder what he's doing here and not at the party with his Luna.

"What are you doing here Alpha Riggs?" I ask although I feel like it isn't Riggs. Does he have a twin?

"I'm not Riggs, I am his wolf, Peter. I wish to speak with you privately."

Well that makes a lot more sense, "Okay, I will be right back Ace," I give him a peck on the cheek.

I love how Ace understands that I need to speak with him. He trusts me since we have been friends for two years. I wonder how Peter is in control right now and he isn't losing his temper. When a wolf is in control of the human form, they are usually very angry and cannot calm down.

I follow Peter out to the living room. We sit on the couch and then he starts to explain himself. About why he marked Amelia and a little bit about Amelia as well. I didn't blame him nor Riggs for marking someone else, I blame myself for everything that happened to him and the sadness he feels.

When Peter says that Riggs visits my grave everyday, it almost brings tears to my eyes. I never even met him and he never really met me, but he still feels that love for me.

I can tell something is bothering Peter and when I ask, his answer shocks me. Amelia cheated on him. I can't believe that a person could do that to their mate, whether it is their true mate or not.

Peter tells me she cheated on him with Jake and I grow furious. Then I realize that Jake is here and some fear slips into my emotions. I have to get out of this house before I run into him.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I have to go. Thank you for letting us stay here, but Ace I should should get back to our pack."

I turn my pack to Peter, not waiting for a response because tears are filling in my eyes. I almost reach the corner to turn into the kitchen, but Peter's words stop me dead in my tracks.


I slowly turn to face him and say, "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?" Peter asks, clearly confused.

I explain to him that I didn't hold on and if I just held on a little longer, we could have been together. Then another thought comes to mind and I almost laugh at the though we could have been happy. I was so broken and didn't even have a wolf.

"Who am I kidding, we wouldn't have been happy. I didn't have a wolf and your parents would have never accepted me"

"We would have worked it out. What do you mean that you didn't have a wolf? Do you have one now?"

"Yes I do."


"The Moon Goddess."

Peter is shocked that I met her. I explained that it happened when I died and how I came to make my pack.

"Wait, you aren't the Beta of your pack?" Peter asks.

"No, I'm not. I didn't want to draw unwanted attention. Please don't tell Riggs who I am."

"I won't don't worry. I guess I have to search for a Luna once again."

"Maybe your will find a second chance," I tell him.


"I am not your second mate, I am your first mate Peter. There may be another girl out there still for you."

"Even if there is, I could never mate with her because of that stupid mark on Amelia."

That is true. I wish I could do some...

My train of thought is cuff off my a slight ringing in my ears and I see Pera.

"You can remove the mark on Amelia. Channel your energy into her mark, focus on removing it. Since you have the permission from the person who marked her, you are free to do so."

I nod and blink a couple of times as I look at Peter with a smirk.

"Bring me to Amelia, I think I can help."

He takes me to the cells under the castle and when I walk by one, all I can sense is hatred for the person there. Jake. I don't bother glancing at him because I am so mad at him, but also because I am scared of him still.

Peter unlocks a cell just down from Jake's and I walk in.

"Remember me Amelia?" I ask.

"Yeah, your the bitch who is the true mate to what is mine."

"Yeah, not anymore and he won't be your mate for much longer."

"I'm not sure you understand how marking works. It is permanent and I will have to be the Queen because we have a bond."

"Not for long."

I walk up to her and place a hand over her mark. I close my eyes to concentrate and feel something happen. My eyes snap open and I see my hand have a silvery light glowing between my fingers.

"What the hell?" I hear from behind me.

I turn to look behind me, without moving my hand, and see Peter standing the...oh shit, that isn't Peter. That's Riggs. His eyes glow widen as they stare into mine.

I turn my attention back to the mark and the light begins to fade. When I remove my hand, the mark is gone and Amelia is on the ground in pain.

I turn to see Riggs staring at me shocked and extremely confused.

"What?" I ask.

"What just happened? Why were your eyes glowing silver? Where did Amelia's mark go?"

"I was talking with Peter, he wanted to go find his second chance mate and I said I would help, so I removed Amelia's mark."

He stares at me, awe-strucked for a moment before mumbling a thank you. I nod my head and walk out of the cell and upstairs. I find Ace in his room sitting on the balcony.

"Hey Ace."

He stands up and walks over to me, embracing me in a hug, "Are you alright?"

"Yes. Can we go home, please."

"Of course. Let's pack up. You want to tell me what happened?"

"Peter found out who I am, but he won't tell Riggs. I need to get out of here before someone else finds out. There is something else..."


"The Moon Goddess spoke to me again."

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