This is My Life

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Braelynn's POV





I fall out of bed to the sound of my alarm. It hurt even though my 'bed' is just a thin mattress on the floor. I scramble to my feet, immediately regretting the quick motion.

I feel pain radiate up my ribs and down my lower leg. I think I have a few broken bones from the beatings last night. I lift up my shirt to see bruises on my ribs. Yup, definitely broken. My leg also looks deformed...great.

I throw on a pair of baggy old jeans, an old sweater with holes, and my worn running shoes. I head up the stairs that head to the cellar, AKA my torture room. My father will bring me down here to abuse me and then leave me there, not caring if I die. I walk to the front door immediately after getting to the main floor. I always leave for school as quickly as I can in the morning so I don't get a beating before class.

The walk to school is usually fifteen minutes, but with my broken leg and the limping, it takes me a half hour. I would get glares and snickers from pack members who drive me as they head to school. Not one offers to give me a ride nor ask if I am okay.

I make it onto school grounds as the bell goes off and I try my best to rush to class. This whole school is filled with werewolves, not a single human. In my pack, if you are mates with a human, you have to reject them or leave the pack. Most of the students are from my pack and some are from the neighbouring packs.

I walk timidly into home room, keeping my head down as I start walking towards my seat at the back of the class. On my way there though, someone sticks out their foot and I fall flat on my face hearing a crack. My hand flies to my nose and there is blood coming out of it. Great.

They teachers don't say anything and never will because the person who does this is the one and only Jake, the Alpha's son. I continue walking to my seat at the back of class where I sit alone. I bring my hands up to my nose and set it back to it's original place. I wince in pain and go back to listening to the lesson on Pythagorean theory.

The whole pack has been making my life a living hell for almost as long as I can remember. My father, Ryan, the soon to be beta, and Jake are the worst though. I have never shifted into my wolf before and my family started to disown me when I was ten. I don't know why my wolf hasn't showed herself, but I think it is because of me being so weak. I am sure that is why everyone hates me so much.

At lunch

I walk out the back of the school and head into the woods to where there is a little river. I sit there just thinking as I watch the water run by. I rarely get to pack anything for lunch and if I go into the cafeteria I will be punched and kicked.

I think the bell will ring soon so I stand up to head back inside. I see a wolf at the other side of the river, just staring at me. His eyes are beautiful and I can't see to pull away. That is until I feel cold water surround me. I thrash around in the water, I'm not great at swimming since I am never allowed to go anymore.

I eventually make it back to the surface and take in a big gulp of air. I look up to see the queen bee of the school and her two minions. They are all laughing at me before they turn around to leave.

I climb out onto the grass, my clothes clinging to my body. I sit up and look across the river again to see the wolf has left.

Sighing, I pick up my bag and head to my next class.

After School

I am at my locker, grabbing my homework. I shove the papers in my backpack and close the door. I keep my head down and make my way towards the front doors to walk home until I hit a wall.

My eyes lift and I see it is Ryan, the pack's future beta. My eyes widen as he smirks and lifts his fist. His fist connects with my jaw causing me to fall to the ground. He gives a swift kick to my stomach before walking down the hall.

I slowly lift myself up from the ground, grunting in pain as I make my way to my feet. I walk out the double doors and make my long trek back to my personal hell. I wish my parents just accepted me and loved me.

I walk in the front door and head to my room. I place my bag down on the floor by my bed and I go into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I have bruises around both eyes, my nose, and my jaw.

Even though I am a werewolf, since I don't have my wolf and I am barely allowed to eat, I haven't gotten the abilities that come with being a wolf. So, I heal as slowly as a human.

"Braelynn! Get your ugly ass down here!" I hear my dad shout from the main floor.

I leave the bathroom, keeping my head down as I reach the bottom of the stairs and head to the kitchen.

"Make dinner and then go upstairs. No dinner for your tonight and don't even think about taking any," my dad scowls.

I nod my head without looking up and walk over to the fridge. I take out two steaks and some potatoes.

Once I finish cooking, I put the plates one the table in front of my parents and wait to be excused.

"Go to your room and don't come back down. I don't want to see your ugly face again tonight," my mother tells me.

I nod and leave the room, making my way upstairs. I collapse on the bed trying to sooth my aching muscles. I close my eyes, willing sleep to come.

I am waken up to someone dragging my by my wrist. I look up to see my father. I sigh, knowing what is coming. He is probably drunk right now and needs to get his anger out. He throws me onto the cold basement floor and he shuts the door.

He makes me sit backwards on a chair, "You know the rules, no screaming or leaving the chair. If you disobey then you will punished even more." I nod my head.

I never know what he is going to use on me, but it always hurts like a bitch. I hear snapping and then pain across my back. He is using a whip. That's new.

I start counting. One, two, three...seventeen, eighteen. He stops.

"One for every year you have been a burden on my life. Go to bed now, useless disappointment," he mumbles the last part.

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