Part 34

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A/N: I don't really remember who edited this photo but I really loved it....

Third Person POV

6th wish : Visit to a ''Safari Park''

Visiting a safari park before dying, nothing more than this could amuse Gun. ''Who wants to go to a safari park before dying?!'' This was the first question that popped up in Gun's mind. Seriously a safari park?! What did Papii eat before making this list?! Gun thought again and again. The more the wishes were done the more it was becoming beyond belief for Gun. From a night strip club to now a safari park. Great evolution, Gun must say!

Off's 5 wishes were already done so, there remains only 5 wishes then. It was half way to go. The more time was passing as the wishes were being fulfilled, the more Gun was scared to let go of his Papii. Time was becoming his worst enemy and best friend at the same time. As the time passes Gun was falling more and more deeply in love with Off but time was also running fast as the days were passing, he was scared to let go of his Papii . But it was also true that the day Off will disappear is also coming near.

Off's 6th wish is to go to a safari park. Going to a safari park is a huge wish so, the people should be more according to Off. The more the merrier. Gun also thought that less people means less fun. So, Off and Gun had a grand round table meeting with Tay, New and Arm. As it is their holiday time, so there is no chance, they will deny to come. They all agreed to come but a plan has to be made, nah; life is not that easy. For about 2 days, their grand planning continued. They all literally stayed up whole night at Tay's house for planning. And lastly after all this; the day of their visiting safari park has finally arrived.

It is 4 am in the morning. Off and Gun just woke up. They are getting ready now. They have planned and even made a list that what they are going to do in the morning. Things went smooth, they are all ready to go now. They have packed their bags with various snacks and drinks, which they have bought last night while coming back from Tay's house. They even took an extra set of clothes, even though they are not going to stay at a safari park. This weird idea came out of Gun's head, which Off thought was genius. After 2 hours, now they are all set to go to Tay's house.

As for New, he already stayed last night at Tay's house. According to their plan, all of them will assemble in Tay's house like avengers as his house is in the middle of both Arm's house and Gun's dorm. At first, they all planned to stay at Tay's house that night but as they all were really decent and didn't want to invade the newly made couple's privacy so, they all went to their own home and dorm before Tay and New could kick them out.

It is now 6:15 o'clock. Off and Gun have already reached at Tay's house. They pressed the calling bell for about 5 times but still no one opened the door.

''Papii, are they still sleeping?'' Gun asked.
''Yeah, I guess that too. Call New and ask him, what the hell they are doing!.'' Off said.
Gun called New for about 2 times and finally New picked it up.

''New, where are you?? We are already at P'Tay's door. For God's sake open the door, my leg hurts from standing here!'' Gun said.
''Hello, Gun?'' New answered in a sleepy voice.
''Don't tell me you are still sleeping like a baby today!'' Gun said.
''What is the time? What day is it today?'' New asked in a sleepy voice.
''Mr. New Thitipoom!! It is already 6:30 am. And we are going to safari park at 7!!!'' Gun shouted.
''WHAT 6:30???!!! OH MY GOD!!!I AM LATE!!!! TAY!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WE ARE LATE!!!!!! GUN, I WILL CALL YOU LATER. BYE BYE!'' New hung up the call.
''NEW!!!!! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR FIRST!!!! YOU SLEEPYHEAD!!!!!!'' Gun shouted as New hung up his call.

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