Chapter 31

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Jess POV

I driver to Sebastian's house and when I get there Lin opens the door, "Hey Lin" I smile.

"Hey Jess come in, Sebastian's in his room" He says, letting me in.

"Thanks" I walk into Sebastian's room and he's just laying on his bed of his phone. "Hi" he looks up and smiles.

"Hey! You doing ok?" He asks getting up.

"Yeah I guess." I reply.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks. Ugh why does he have to be so nice, like most of the guys I know are just rude and selfish and only really want sex.

I sigh and we sit on his bed, "I'm not even that surprised he broke up with me, it's not like he tried to hide the fact he didn't like me" I start explaining.

"What? Jess did he do anything to you?" He asks concerned.

"No not really, just after a while he just stopped saying he loved me and hung out with his 'best friend' more and I know I'm kinda a hypocrite for saying this but it annoyed me cuz he never had time for me. He was with her constantly and would blow me off for her and stuff"

"I'm so sorry... look I hate to be the one to tell you this but they started dating this afternoon..."

"Oh...Well I mean why shouldn't they it's not like there's a limit to how fast you can start dating after a break up" I say trying not to seem too sad.

"No don't do that to your self Jess, don't defend him, He's a jerk. Any guy would be so lucky to have you" he smiles a little.

"Yeah I keep hearing that" I sigh.

"Do you want me to go grab some food and we can watch movies or talk or whatever?" He asks and I just nod.

Sebastian POV

I walk out of my room and sigh. She doesn't deserve this. I mean Alex literally had the most perfect girl ever and he just threw that away. I know I could treat her better if I had a chance. But I need to be here as her friend, I don't want to stress her out by saying I have feeling. Plus she probably doesn't feel the same.

I walk into the kitchen, Dad and Pa are sitting on the couch. "How's it going?!" Dad says excitedly.

"Um good I guess... as good as it can go for talking about a break up" I reply.

"Wait y'all not together yet?" Pa asks.

"No what the hell?"

"Oh come on it's obvious you like her. It's been obvious for like 2 years" Dad comments.

"Uh- no.. no it's not like that we're just friends." i splutter.

"Just ask her out, she'll say yes and if she doesn't then we owe Renee $50" Pa adds.

"You're betting on us? I'm starting to think you have a gambling problem" I ask.

"Probably but I always win, anyways you gotta go ask her out"

"I can't she just got out of a 12 month relationship, she doesn't wanna date yet" I say.

"Did she tell you that?"

"No but it's implied" I grab some food and start walking back.

"Ok but she likes you too" dad says but I just shake it off, if she did she would have broken up with Alex earlier.. right?

I walk back into my room and she crying with her face in the pillows. "Hey, wait whats wrong?" I run over to her, she sits up.

"It just hit me that we're like actually broken up and he was probably lying for ages. He said he loved me, so much. What kind of psychopath lies about that?"She cries. "I'm sorry. I don't even know why I'm so upset" she says wiping her face.

"It's okay, you were together for a long time obviously your gonna be upset." I say softly.

"But the thing is I was thinking about breaking up with him for while cuz I had feelings for someone else. It was just the way he did it makes me feel like bad" She cries.

"Who.. um who did you have feelings for?" I ask.

"I don't even remember!" She falls into my lap.

Jess POV

Yeah I remember but I'm not about to say it's him that would be stupid! It just sucks cuz I don't even know if I'm sad or mad or happy he broke up with me. Obviously I'm sad but is it really a bad thing?

I mean I know there's no chance with Sebastian but still. "How can I help" he asks.

"I don't know. I don't even know why I'm sad ugh why am I like this" I say now more frustrated.

"No , this isn't your fault. It's probably for the best." He starts playing with my hair.

"Thank you" I say and he just smiles.

"Come on we should go out" he says lifting me off him.

"What? Like together?" I ask a little flustered.

"Well yeah, Like to a bar or something"

"Oh right yeah. But we're under age" I say, why would he be asking me out?

"So? It's not like you've never been drunk before I know you have a fake ID" he smiles. I just laugh and follow him out.

"We're y'all going?" Lin asks smirking.

"I dunno yet" he replies.

"Ok but you better not be getting a hotel room" Lin winks.

"DAD!" Sebastian yells and I blush. We walk out of the house and get a cab cuz neither of us wanna stay sober to drive "sorry about him, he's.... well you know him"

"It's fine" I laugh.

*a couple hours later- they both kinda drunk cuz why not underage drinking🤷‍♀️*

"Seb there so many people here!" I yell.

"That's because people like alcohol" he laughs. I put my drink down on the table and look around "Jess pick up your drink!"

"Why? I don't wanna hold it" I pout.

"But if you leave it someone will put stuff in it!" He says picking it up.

"But I want more alcohol in it" I smiles.

"No they'll put bad stuff in it then they'll hurt you" he says.

"Awwww you care about me" I smiles leaning on to him.

"Your cute" he laughs. "You should do a song!" He exclaims.

"No I can't sing" I shake my head.

"It's in your blood!" He pushes me towards the stage.

"Fine. But you're doing it with me!" I pull Him up with me. "Ok what song are we singing?" I ask.

"I don't sing"

"Yes you do. Oh let's do love yourself!" I say handing him a mic.

After the song we stubble of stage laughing. "Can we go back to your place?" I ask. He blushes a bit then nods.

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