Chapter 24

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I wake up and I have no clue where I am or what time it is but I have a huge headache. I look around the room and see almost everyone in the cast plus Mario and Stephanie.

While I'm still trying to process things Groff walks into the room holding a bunch on cups in a tray. "Oh Y/N your awake" he says.

"Shut up" Anthony groans from next to me.

"Everyone get up!" Groff yells and everyone wakes up.

"You didn't have to yell" I say rubbing my head.

"You have a wedding rehearsal in 5 hours dumbass you want me to let you sleep all day?" He replies

"Ughhhh" Anthony groans.

"Ok all you you take this it should help with the hang over" He hands everyone a glass.

"It tastes like cat piss" Daveed comments.

"Well you don't have to drink it I'm just saying i will purposely make a lot of noise just to piss you off" Groff responds.

"I hate you" Oak says.

*the next day, an hour before the wedding*

"I can't do this, I feel like I'm gonna throw up" I exclaim.

"Hey calm down, your gonna be fine," Renee says.

"What if I stuff up my vows or I trip on my dress?! Ugh the dress! It's so long, does it have to much lace should I have gotten a longer vale, omg the shoes don't match. what I cry and fuck yo my makeup or one of my eyelashes falls off" I start pacing in front of the mirror, jazzy grabs my shoulders and makes me look at her.

"Y/N you are  Going to be fine. Relax. I'll hand you your vows when you have to say them, you don't trip on the dress cuz it's the perfect size, it also looks amazing and the vale is the perfect length, your shoes match perfectly with your dress, you have setting spray and water proof mascara and eyeliner and they're magnetic eyelashes they're not gonna fall off. You look absolutely stunning" she says.

"She's right, you've been planning this day for I don't even know how long and everything's perfect and you look amazing" Pippa chips in.

"Yeah Anthony's gonna be the one crying" Stephanie adds.

"What if he just leaves? What if he's just been lying to me this whole time or he just changed his mind. Oh my gosh he's already left hasn't here?" I panic.

"As someone who's seen him in all his past relationships I can tell you for a fact he loves you more than anything and anyone, the only way he's leaving today is with you as his wife" She assures me.

"Here, we've got 45 minutes and the only thing you need to do now is make sure you don't spill anything on your dress" Renee hands me a glass of champagne.

"Why would you say that when I'm about to drink champagne?!" I yell they just sigh and we sit down.

Anthony POV

"I should have cut my hair for this. Ugh it's not working I don't wanna look like a founding father at my wedding" I exclaim pulling my hair out of the low pony tail.

"Ok well technically John was a founding father he was-" Lin starts but Daveed interrupts.

"-Aren't you supposed to be helping him with this being the best man and all not giving him a history lesson"

"Right. Your hair looks great but if your really worried I can call Y/N hair stylist in here" Lin says.

"No, it's fine. Wait why isn't she doing Y/Ns hair right now? Did she leave, oh my goodness she left didn't she. I knew she didn't wanna marry me" I fall onto the couch.

"She's not doing Y/Ns hair right down cuz she's done it already, Y/N and the girls are already ready, she's not gonna leave and she loves you and wants to marry you otherwise she would have said no when you proposed" Mario says

"But-" Oak cuts me off before I can continue.

"No, everything is perfect she's ready your almost ready and we still have half an hour til guests arrive" He says.


*Y/N about to walk down the isle*

I hear the music start and everyone stands up. I turn to face The Entrance and smile when I see Y/N. She looks incredible.

By the time she's in front of me there are tears in my eyes, I look at her and smile more, she's perfect. "You look.. absolutely gorgeous" I say almost lost for words.

Everyone sits down and Chis who said he wanted to officiate starts speaking "we're gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two. When they first met it was very awkward not gonna lie, Anthony was like yo you gotta sing a duet with me and Y/N was like nah fam I'm not that talented but then she did and it was the cutest duet ever which lead to them working together. As most of you know Anthony sung What the Heck I gotta do when he asked her out which i think I can safely say, is every theatre kids dream. But in all seriousness I couldn't think of a couple more perfect for each other then these too, they've both gone through so much but through it all they've always loved each other and been there for each other. I'll honoured to say that I got to watch their relationship grow from a crush to they love of their lives. Now you prepared your own vows right?" He asks and Jazzy hands Y/N a piece of paper and Daveed hands me one too.

A/N imma make a second part to the wedding cuz we're already at 937 and I can't do 2 sets of vows and speeches in 180 words lol.

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