Chapter 21

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Anthony POV

After what feels like forever Y/N moves her head a little and we all jump up. "Y/N? Y/N can you here me?" Jazzy yells kneeling down next to her .

I kneel on the other side and hold her hand. She mumbles something incoherent
"Someone get a doctor!" I yell and Jon runs out. He comes back a minute later with a doctor behind him.

The doctor walks over to one of the machines and fiddles with some stuff  "ok she's doing very well especially for only a couple hours after, I expect she would wake up fairly soon but make sure she doesn't get up it's likely she'll throw up though, we'll need to take another blood test and we need to give her more medication to clear her system but we'll do that after she's awake" he says and walks out.

About 2 and a half hours later and  it's like 8:30pm and  Groff fell asleep on Lins shoulder, Daveed, Renee and Pippa are at Jazzy's place getting some of Y/N's stuff cuz she'll have to stay here for a couple nights , Leslie Oak and Chris are trying to do Lin's hair and Thayne and Jon are just talking while Me and Jazzy are still on the floor on either side of Y/N.

I feel her gently squeeze my hand and I jump "Y/N?" I ask hopefully.

"A..Anthony..." she mumbles quietly.

"Omg! Y/N!" Jazzy smiles.

Y/N stirs and mumbles a little more then her eyes flutter open. "Ah crap" she's says, and looks around at us. Pippa and the others walk in

"Omg your awake! Are you ok?!" Pippa asks.

"No I've just been in a coma or some shit for hell knows how long" she says. Jazzy hugs her, then me then the others. "Shit where my phone?" She asks.

"It's still at you place we were gonna bring it But somehow the news got out  about what happened and so you've got a much of tags and messages but a weird amount from wattpad what's that?" Renee asks.

"Oh, It's basically a fanfic app it's a lil weird but I don't use it as much anymore, there a ton of fanfic about you guys" she explains.

"So what happened? Please tell us what this is about?" Jazzy's asks holding up the note.

"oh, did all of you read this?" She asks and we nod. "Ugh just ignore it" she says.

"No you gotta talk to someone about this" I say.

"No im okay,  I think I'll just keep suppressing the hell out of it and-" she cuts herself off. She's silent for a sec then throws up all over me. "Sorry"

"'s fine... I'm just gonna go try to wipe this off" it is not in fact fine, I might throw up. I get up and walk into the bathroom. It's disgusting but it's so much better then her being dead.

I grab paper towel and water and do the best I can to clean it all of but I'm just gonna have to take off my hoodie.

I have to talk to her alone but even if everyone else leave for the night There's no way Jazzy's leaving for anything. I walk back out and use more paper towel to clean the floor then sit back down next to her bed.

"Ugh Anthony put your hoodie back on or a shirt or something." Jazzy scoffs.

"You wanna fucking wear it?" I throw it and her but she dodged it.


"I'm sorry Anthony" Y/N says guiltily.

"No it's not your fault it's fine, don't worry" I assure her.

"Excuse me everyone be visiting hours are over, 2 people may stay overnight but the rest of you need to leave" a nurse says walking in.

"Ok I'm guessing Jazzy and Anthony are staying?" Pippa asks and me and Jazzy nod.

"Thanks for hanging around you guys, you really didn't have to" Y/N says.

"No problem, we love you Y/N just take care of yourself" Lin says and they all walk out but Daveed throws me his hoodie cuz he's smart and actually wears shirts under them.

"Y/N now that it's just us can you please tell us what happened and why you did it?" Jazzy asks she just shrugs.

"I dunno just wasn't chilling with life" She says jokingly but we just look at her seriously. "Fine. I've just been so overwhelmed with everything and I just feel like I'm a burden to everyone, and now that I'm pretty much lost everything I just don't see the point in being here if I'm just gonna be annoying everyone, so you know I kinda just saw the pills and now we here" she says clearly uncomfortable.

"Y/N you don't annoy anyone, you make everything so much better. Anthony I need to talk to you for a sec" Jazzy says so we get up and move away from Y/N and she just looks confused.

"You need to talk to her." She says.

"Yeah I know I want to but it's hard right now, I'll just wait until she's allowed home so we can talk alone" I reply.

"You can't wait that long Anthony, if you still love her and want to get back together and I know you do otherwise you wouldn't still be here, you need to talk to her now. I'll go get some take out for dinner so while I'm gone you need to talk to her and make sure nothing happens while I'm gone" she says so I nod and walk back over to Y/N. "Y/N I'm gonna quickly grab some dinner do you want anything?"

"Nah I'm ok, thank you though" she replies.


"I'm good too" I say and jazzy just walks out.

"Great now she gone, you can with her if you want. Im really sorry" Y/N says.

"No don't apologise. She didn't leave she's just getting some food and she'll be back. look the reason she wanted to go get dinner was so I could talk to you" I explain.

"Oh... is this about the note cuz you can just ignore all that I-I didn't know what I was saying"

"Yes you did. I'm so sorry, I was wrong to keep ignoring you and hurting you and I'm so sorry. I love you so much and when I got the call it was the most deviating thing ever because it made me realise I can't loose you. Y/N you don't deserve any of this, I  love you and I can't stand the thought of never seeing you again" I say taking her hand and she just looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"I love you to but you said you didn't wanna get back together and I-" I cut her off before she can continue. I lean forward and kiss her.

"I changed my mind" I say when I pull away, she smiles.

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