Chapter 30

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*12 years later- sorry not sorry*

Jess POV

The bell rings for lunch so I gather my stuff and walk out of class. On my way out I run into Alex. We've been dating for about a year now. "Hey babe" I smiles.

"I need to talk to you" He replies seriously. I stop smiling and follow him.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm breaking up with you" I feel my heart drop.

"Wait... what, why?"

"So many reasons, you hang around Sebastian more than you do me, every time we go to your palace your parents are there and every time you come over to my place you never wanna hook up and honestly you've kinda gotten ugly and Clingy" he says unbothered by the fact that he's literally breaking my heart.

"Wait do your breaking up with me because I'm friends with Sebastian, I won't screw you and I'm not pretty?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"You also forgot clingy. Anyways Goodbye" he walks off and leaves me alone in the hall until Sebastian walk up to me.

"Hey, what are you- are you ok?" He asks, his tone Changing from cheery to worried.

"Uh.. Alex just broke up with me" I cry.

"What?! I'm so sorry, What happened?" He asks hugging me.

"He said he didn't like that I hung out with you so much and that I never screwed him and I'm ugly and clingy" I sob into his hoodie.

"I'll kill him" he says. "I am going kill him"

"No, It's not his fault, he has every right to break up. I'd rather just try not to think about it" I say pulling away from him and wiping my eyes.

"Alright fine. come on let's get you something to eat"

*end of the day*

I arrive home from school and storm into my room. "Jess?" Mum asks. Dad's recording in the studio today so he won't be home for a bit.

I hear mum walk over to knock on my door, "Come in" I reply

"You ok?" She asks, walking over and sitting in the edge of my bed

"Alex broke up with me" I try not to start crying again.

"Oh..sweetheart I'm so sorry, What happened?" She asks.

"He got mad at me cuz I was always hanging out with Seb and I tried to explain that he was my best friend but that made him even more mad, I tried to apologise but then he just said I was too much effort and wasn't even that pretty so he dumped me" I start crying.

"That stuck up self centred little pig. You know I never liked him. You will find someone better Jess I promise, someone that will actually care about you. But still, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" She asks sympathetically.

"I dunno I don't really wanna think about it right now" I say. She nods

"Ok. Come one we're watching sad movies and eating a bunch of stuff and crying about it" she leads me out into the TV room and texts dad to bring home something for dinner.

"Why do we always have at least 2 packets of Oreos in the cupboard?" I asks.

"Before my first date with your dad he had never had them and he also had no food in his house so we went to the store and I got a bunch now I make sure he gets them Every time, that and now he's obsessed with them" She explains.

"Wait your first date was going grocery shopping?" I laughs.

"Well Yes technically but you don't understand he literally had no food! Like he had alcohol, soft drink, coffee, milk, bread, butter and one or 2 thing to got on the bread. I starved every time I stayed over" she smiles.

"How often did you stay over before you actually started dating?" I ask.

"Oh all the time, I basically lived here. Your aunt Jas would go out so he would take me to his place or drop me home, or we'd get drunk and neither could drive me home or I just hung out there and fell asleep there. Even before we were dating he was my best friend" I frown a bit. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing m, I just- I want a relationship like that, I want to know they love me and I wanna be friends with them first" I reply.

"I know, it's ok. Your only 17 your beautiful and you'll find someone, any guy would be lucky to have you" she assures me.

"But the guy I want doesn't want me" I mumble.

"Who? Alex? Forget him he's an idiot for leaving you"

"No.... Sebastian" I mumble.

*later that night after Anthony's home and Jess is in her room*

"Ant! I need to tell you something!" I half whisper. He laughs and walks over.

"What's up?" He wraps his arms around me.

"Do you know how Alex broke up with Jess?" I ask.

"did he do something else I swear I'll kill him he can't get away with hurting our angel" he says angrily.

"No he didn't do anything new, I mean he's still a dick but Jess told me she like Sebastian!" I squeal.

"What?! I knew it! They would be perfect together" he smiles "oh they're gonna be the sweetest together"

"Imma call Groff" I pick up my phone and he answers almost right always "hey Groff guess what?"

"What?" He asks.

"You know how we said Sebastian and Jess would make a cute couple?"

"Yeah... Wait omg did they get together LIN!" He yells.

"Well no but Jess just told me she really likes him and her boyfriend broke up with her so if she tells him and he likes her too they might actually get together" I say excitedly.

"Guys I'm gonna stay the night at Seb's place" Jess says poking her head into our room.

"Ok is that cool with Lin and Groff?" Anthony asks.

"Oh wha Sebastian just told be" Lin says so Jess walks out.

"see!" I exclaim.

"they better not screw in or house! Lin go tell Sebastian he'll have to sleep on the spare mattress on the floor" Groff sighs.

"JONATHAN!" Anthony yells and I start laughing.

"Damn Anthony you want us to keep them in separate rooms or somethin?"Lin jokes.

"Yeah maybe!"

"Relax Neither of them would do that especially not on the first date with parents in the house" I say.

"Wait They're not a couple yet are they?" Lin asks.

"No but we kinda just assume Sebastian likes her and they'll get together" I say.

After a couple minute we hang up and cuz it's like 10pm we just go to bed.

A/N lmao y'all I'm so tired it's 4am, I have to get up early tomorrow and socialise with people I don't know and I know I should sleep but I don't wanna.

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