Chapter 41

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A/N Ok so I think this'll be the last chapter but that you all so much for all the reads votes and comments it means so much and I honestly thought no one would read this so thank you and if theres anything you think I missed or if you think I could do a better ending please comment or DM me and I can either rewrite this chapter or write another one.


After everyone leaves it's about around 9:30. "Alight Jack bedtime" I say.

"I don't wanna go to bed" He frowns.

"I know but you still have school tomorrow so you can't stay up to late" I reply.

"Fine" He walks off too his room. after a couple minutes me and Anthony knock on his door "Yeah?" We open it and he's in his pyjamas on his bed on his phone.

"Hey we're just coming in to saying good night" Anthony says as we both approach his bed.

"Mkay good night" He doesn't look up.

"Ok, Good night Jack, We love you" I say and he looks up.

"I-I love you too.....Mum... and Dad" He replies. we Smiles and walk over to hug him then walk out.

*a couple years later- Jess's in college and Jack's in year 7*

Jess POV

"Hey, I'm going out with Seb tonight just so you know" I say to Mum and Dad.

"Didn't you just see him last night?" Dad asks.

"No I saw Jazzy, I haven't seen Sebastian since last term" I explain and he nods. We both got into different colleges so we don't get to see each other during the terms and it's been worse with finals coming up. This is both our last years so we're planning on moving in together after we finish and both have jobs that pay enough, Right now I work at Kmart which pays ok but it's only part time.

"They're just gonna hook up" Jack says from the couch.



"JACK" Me Dad and Mum yell at the same time.

"What? Am I wrong?" He replies.

"Yes" Dad says before I can say anything so I just shake his head.

"Dad for the last time I'm 21 even if we were gonna hook up tonight, which we're not, There wouldn't be a problem" I sigh.

"Well I didn't sleep with your mum until we were married" He defends.

"We all know that's not true" Mum comments.

"Well at least I have a boyfriend and not just a crush" I tease.

"Shut up" He half whispers half yells.

"Wait what?" Dad asks.

"It's nothing there's just a cute guy in my class and he's really nice and- Ah fuck you Jess" He frowns.

"aww you should ask him out" Mum says.

"Hell no! I don't even know if he's gay." He replies.

"Well then ask him" Dad suggests.

"What do you want me to say 'Oh Hey are you gay? not that I like you or anything I just wanna know and if you are there's definitely no reason why you wouldn't be out yet'" He rolls his eyes.

"Imma go finish getting ready but ask one of his friends" I walk into my room and finish getting ready. He said to dress nice but I don't know how nice he meant so I could be over dressed or under dressed and either would be horrible. After about half an hour there's a knock on the door and dad yells out.

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