Chapter 4

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*a couple days later*

Just before we all leave for the week, Anthony gets up to say something "yo anyone wanna come over to my place tonight?" He asks

Everyone kinda nods and says they can come. "I can't sorry I'm going out with my boyfriend" jazzy says. Wow she would ditch me.

Everyone starts to leave and I walk up to Anthony, "hey Ant any chance you could pick me up tonight, usually Jazzy drives cuz I don't have a car but she's taking" I ask as I walk with him out of the theatre

"Yeah sure, do you just wanna come home with me now?" He offers.

"I would but my clothes and make up are at my place" I say

"Yeah but can you just wear what you're wearing now and you don't need make up" I just stare at him with a blank expression. Is he serious? I'm in exercise leggings and a singlet  in what world would I wear that to a party "Ok why don't I just stop and your place on the way"

"Thanks" I smile. We leave and when we get to my place I drag him inside to help me choose what to wear.

Anthony POV

"Ok text Renee, Pippa and Jas and ask them what they're wearing and what I should wear" she says when we get into their room. I unlock their phone cuz she gave me her password and find a Group chat with them so I just text that while she's looking in her wardrobe.

Y/N: yo it's Anthony Y/N wants to know what y'all are wearing and what they should wear

Pippa: Anthony How the fuck do u know her password?

Y/N: cuz she told me....

Renee: and y'all not a couple smh

Y/N: alright chill, just answer the question

Jazzy: tell her not to wear any of my clothes! And I'll know if she does.

Pippa: I'm just wearing casual clothes like tights and a sweater

Renee: I'm wearing jeans and a plain shirt

Y/N: Ok thanks

"Jazzy said don't wear any of her clothes, Pippa's just wearing tights and a sweater and Renee's wearing jeans and a plain shirt" I say.

"Ughhh that doesn't help at all!" She groan "man I need new clothes."

"You literally have an entire big ass wardrobe full of clothes and you can't find anything to wear?!" Ask walking over.

"Well Yeah! There are too many options and- Ooo I haven't warn this is ages! Ok get out I need to get changed" she kicks me out of her room.

I wait outside her room for like 5 minutes until she come out. "can we go now?" I ask.

"Yes" we walk back out to my car.

*later that night when everyone's there and are pretty drunk including Anthony and Y/N*

"GUYS! CAN WE PLAY TRUTH OR DARE?!" Thayne yells and we all agree. "I'ma go first, uhhh Groff! Truth or dare?"

"Truth" he answers.

"Ok what is your most embarrassing moment?"

"Oh gosh there's so many! But I mean I'd probably say when I was in glee and Lea Michel asked me out in season 1 and it was like the scene I had to egg her so I was already hold the egg and I explained to her I was gay then I moved my hand and accidentally threw the egg in her face and it got in her mouth and eyes and down her shirt and that scene got delayed the whole day cuz she had to get cleaned up" he says and everyone cracks up laughing. "Not it wasn't funny Amber didn't let me forget it every time I came back!"

"Omg did she ever forgive you?" Lin laughs.

"Have you met her she's a bitch of course she never forgave me" he replies also laughing. "Ok ok Pippa truth or dare?"

"Uhh dare" she says.

"ok go make me a sandwich cuz I'm hungry" he says and everyone laughs.

"Ugh fine, lame ass " She gets up and walks into the kitchen and a couple minutes later she comes out with a plate. "Ok I just wanna say first, fuck you Jonathan and second Anthony why the fuck do you not have anything in your pantry or fridge it's literally just Alcohol, a couple of snacks and bread"

"I don't know I suck at cooking last time I tried I had to get a friend in to help!" Anthony says defensively.

"Mkay. Y/N truth or dare?" She asks me.

"Um dare" I decide

"Ok 7 minutes in heaven with Anthony" she smiles and Anthony blushes a bit. Okay who are we kidding his face turned full red.

"Ok but only cuz I don't turn down dares" I grab Anthony's hand and drag him with me to the closest and close the door.

"Your time starts now" Pippa says through the door.

"Sorry, you don't have to-" he cuts me off by almost jumping on top of me and kissing me.

I'm in shock for a minute then kiss him back. "Like you said it's just a dare right?" He breaths into my ear when we pull apart.

"Exactly" I kiss him again. He presses me against the wall and his hand starts to slide up my thigh. He starts kissing down my neck and I let out a soft breath as he does which makes him Laugh a little.I wrap my arms around his neck a run my hand through his hair. He slips one of his hands up my shirt. He continues to kiss my neck and collarbone.

Suddenly Someone opens the door and we hear everyone gasps we break apart and he just walks out. I pull Jazzy behind "He's a really good kisser" I tell her quietly and she smiles.

"I knew it! You guys are so meant to be together" She exclaims.

"It was just a dare!" I say and she just nods as we walk out.

"Ok Y/N you're turn" Pippa says still smiling.

"Daveed truth or dare?" I ask him.

"Dare" he replies.

"Straighten your hair" I say.

"I don't have a straightener" he says.

"Hold on" I get up and walk into the bathroom I look through all then shelves and drawers until I find Anthony's straightener "here you can use Anthony's" I hand it to him.

"How did you know I had a straight?!" Anthony asks.

"Please every guy with long curly hair has a straightener" I say. Daveed starts straightening his hair while we go on with the game

Anthony Ramos x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें