Chapter 5

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After we finish the game everyone goes home but I'm stay here cuz both me and Anthony are too drunk to drive. Once the last person leaves he comes up behind me "you're gorgeous" he whispers in my ear. I turn around so I'm facing him.

"Says you" I whisper back before laughing a little.
He leans in to kiss me so of course I kiss him back.  He starts pushing backwards into his room while kissing me. I kick the door shut with my foot once we're in his room.

He lays me on his bed and starts kissing down my neck.I slide my hands up his shirt and take it off. He slowly runs his hand up my arm and to my chest.
He removes his hand from my chest and moves it to slide up my shirt to take it off.

*the next day morning- you can guess how that night ended😏"

I wake up with surprising only a small headache I  feel something wrapped around my waist. I look down and see Anthony's Arms around my bare waist.

Shit. We must have been very drunk last night. I carefully release myself from his arms and get back into my clothes. I grab my phone and all the stuff I brought and walk outside until I remember Anthony picked me up. So I text Jazzy Pippa and Renee.

Y/N: hey could one of you pick me up? And do y'all by any chance wanna hang out today?

Pippa: Yeah sure I can pick you up and I'm down to hang out

Renee: I'm down

Jazzy: same why don't we all just come to my place?

Pippa: Sure, Y/N where are you?

Y/N: I'm at Anthony's place.

I close my messages and put away my phone cuz I don't wanna read the messages they'll send.
After about 10 minutes I see Pippa pull into the street but at the same time Anthony walks out the door. "Y/N what are you doing out here?" He asks.

"Uh Pippa's just picking Me up" I reply.

"I could have taken you home"

"Oh thanks but you were asleep so I just called Pippa, speaking of her, she's here so I'll see ya later" I say and quickly walk to her car.

"You ok?" She asks.

"I'll explain when we get to my place" I reply and she just nods.

When we get there Renee is already there. We walk inside and find her and jazzy sitting on the couch. "Y/N you stoped answering your texts why were you at Anthony's?" Renee asks.

"Um.. I slept with him" I say.

"What?!" They all yell that the same time.

"Wait you gave consent right? Did he pressure you?" Jazzy asks. She's the only ones that knows that was my first time.

"Yes I gave consent and he didn't pressure me I was just really drunk I guess, but so was he" I explain

"Ok so what happened, was he good?" Pippa asks.

"Well as far as I can remember after everyone left he just kissed me then I woke up in his bed with his arms warped around me and our clothes on the floor." I say.

"Omg! What did he say when you woke up?" Renee asks.

"I don't know he was asleep so I got up and texted y'all, then when Pippa was about to pick me up he just asked me what I was doing"

"Well are you gonna talk to him about it?" Jazzy asks.

"I don't even know what I would say, like we were both drunk I don't even know if he remembers it and even if he does it's probably be easier to stay friends" I say.

"Why do you say that?" Pippa asks

"well we kinda work together and I know I only perform with him one show a week but what if we did get together then break up it would just be awkward and uncomfortable" I explain.

"That's fair but you should at least talk to him" jazzy says.

Anthony POV

I wake up with a small headache. I look around and remember what happened last night, ugh we must have been extremely drunk...I mean I really like her but we were drunk, that's not exactly how I thought this would happen.

I get up and put some clothes on and walk out of my room. I look around see that Y/N's not there. I look outside and see her standing just outside the door.
I walk out next to her "Y/N what are you doing out here?"

"Uh Pippa's just picking me up" she  says a little nervously.

"I could have taken you home" I say.

"Oh thanks but you were asleep so I jut called Pippa and speaking of her, she's here so I'll see ya later"she says and basically run away.

Ugh does she hate me now? I go back inside and decide to text the guys.

Anthony: yo do y'all wanna come over?

Daveed: yea sure any reason?

Anthony: I'll explain when y'all get here.

Lin: ok, me and Groff are coming.

Oak: yeah I'll come as well.

Leslie: yeah I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Chris: same.

I put my phone down and wait for them to arrive. Soon they all arrive and we sit in the living room. "So what's up?" Chris asks.

"Well you know how we were super drunk last night? Well Y/N stayed over cuz they couldn't drive and I think we slept together" I explain.

"Wait what do you mean you think?" Leslie asks.

"Well I Don't remember everything but I remember us making out and when I woke up the bed was messy and-" Groff cuts me Off before I can continue.

"Yeah ok we don't need details but have you talked to her"

"No when I got up she was already up and Pippa picked her up so I didn't get the chance to say anything." I reply.

"Have you called her?" Daveed asks.

"No...." I grab my phone and call her contact but she hangs up. "She hung up"

"Well what would you say if she answered?" Oak asks.

"I don't know I guess I'd ask if she remembered anything then see what she thinks about it" I say.

"Why not just go to her house and talk to her in person?" Lin suggests.

"Yeah maybe, ok I'll do that thanks you guys." I get up.

"Ok good luck but I'm staying here cuz we only got here like 10 minutes ago so imma watch something" Daveed says.

I nod and walk out to my car and drive to their house. When I get there I knock on the door and jazzy opens it, I see Renee Pippa and Y/N in the house.

"Can I help you?" She asks a little coldly.

"Uh yeah can I speak to Y/N?" I ask.

"Fine, Y/N Anthony wants to talk to you!" She yells then steps closer to me. "If you hurt her in anyway I swear on your mother's future grave I will end you" she threatens.

"Ok.... I won't don't worry." I say, she walks away as Y/N comes to the door. "Hey"

"Hey what's up?" She asks

"Nothin' I just wanted to talk to you about last night?" I say.

"Oh... well I dunno we were both drunk and the 7 minutes in heaven was a dare so it's not really a big deal" she says and my heart stops for a second.

"Oh- yeah I was gonna say that I think we should just stay friends but I just wanted to make sure that was cool with you" I lie, but what am I supposed to say? We met at the beginning of the week obviously she's not gonna wanna go out with me.

Anthony Ramos x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora