Chapter 28

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Anthony POV

*8 Months later- Y/N's not doing Hamilton anymore*

I wake up in the middle of night from Y/N getting up. "Are you ok? Are you doing into labor?!" I panic.

"I'm fine, I'm not due for another week Just go back to sleep" She laughs. She starts to get up but I stop her.

"What do you need? I'll get it for you" I say.

"I'm just grabbing some water love, I can still move." She replies.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself or our kid"

"Walking isn't gonna hurt either of us." She gets up and walks into the kitchen.

A couple minutes later she calls out. "Uh Anthony?"

"Yeah?" I get up and walk into the kitchen.

"I know I'm not due yet but I think my water just broke" she says.

I run into our room and get the bag I packed for the hospital then help her to the car.  "Alright just take deep breaths you're gonna be okay" i call jazzy and put her through the speaker then start driving.

"Anthony what the fuck it's like 4am" she says clearly only just woken up.

"Y/N's water broke, Call the others and meet us at the hospital!" I yell at her.

"WHAT?! IS SHE OK?! I'LL BE THERE AS SOON AS I CAN!" She shouts and hangs up.

"Ant relax, I haven't even had a contraction yet." She says.

"How do you expect me to relax we're about to have a child" I exclaim.

"Not helping"

"Sorry." I put my arm out and gently hold her hand.

"Son of a- Hamilton " she yells

"Are you ok? Wait is that your first contraction?!" I ask nervously.

"No it was the tooth fairy. Yes it's a contraction shut the hell up and drive!" She yells.

As soon as we get into get to the hospital Y/N sits down and I run up to the front desk "My wife's going into labor" I say urgently.

"Is this her first child?" The lady at the desk asks.


"Ok how often are her contractions?"

"Uhhh i don't know like 6 minutes apart and last for about a minute" I say.

"Ok I'll call a doctor and they'll take You to a room, would you like a shared room or pay extra for a private room?"

"Private room." I say. She tells me to sit down and a doctor will come in in a minute. I sit down next to Y/N "You ok?" I ask.

"Do you think I'm ok? Would you like to do this and have me ask if you're okay?" She asks. My gosh I love her. I'm a little bit scared of her but damn our kid is gonna be so strong willed.

Soon a doctor comes down and takes up to our room. "Y/N? Hi I'm Katie, I'll be delivering your child. Do you know what the gender it?" She asks sweetly.

"No, we wanted it to be a surprise." Y/N replies.

"Ok. Well it might be another 10- 20 minutes until it's time to start pushing." She explains.

As she says this Jazzy, Pippa Lin Daveed Groff Stephanie and Mario walk into the room. "What's happening where are you at?" Jazzy asks.

"I don't know, what do you want me to bend over and see if I can spot the kids head?" Y/N replies. That shut jazzy up.

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