Chapter 40

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A/N Yo I finally got my laptop back! I've written this book and half the one of my Lams ones on my phone cuz my laptops been broken but I just got it back and downloaded everything and I'm so happy I've literally been doing everything on my phone including school work. Also I got dinosaur nuggets today and I love them. I haven't had them since I was like 4.


I walk over to Jacks room and knock on the door, "Hey, do you wanna come out so we can decide what's for dinner?" I ask.

"Ok" he replies and gets up. We walk out into the Living room.

"Jack what do you want for dinner?" Anthony asks.

"I don't mind, whatever's easier" he shrugs.

"Well do you have a favourite food or anything?" I ask.

"I dunno I guess maccas, thats really the only take out I've had" He says.

"Ok well why don't we get that tonight and then tomorrow or something we can try something else" I suggest.

"Ok" he smiles. "Thank you."

"Hey mum can I go over to Sebastian's?" Jess asks.

"Uhh" I look over at Jack and he looks a little disappointed "Why don't you invite him here?"

"Ok but Lins gonna think it's cuz of him" She replies.

"Then just tell Lin to bring Lin and Groff. I swear he's the most dramatic person I've ever met" Anthony rolls his eyes.

"He's your best friend" I laugh he just shrugs.

"Who's Lin, Groff and Sebastian?" Jack asks.

"Sebastian is Jess's boyfriend and Lin and Groff Are his dad's and Lin's my best friend." Anthony explains.

"Like Lin from in the heights?"

"Yeah, how do you know what in the heights is?" I ask.

"I saw the movie. It was good." He replies.

"Oh cool. Imma call him so we can order dinner now" Anthony gets up and grabs his phone.

At around 6:30 there's a knock on the door so it's either Lin Groff and Sebastian or the good. Jess jumps up with means it's most likely Sebastian.

She opens the door and me Anthony and Jack follow her. Lin Groff and Daveed walk in "sup, we brought Daveed cuz he's bored but he already ate" Lin says.

"Bruh you gon eat all out food anyways" I say and Daveed nods.

I look over at Jess and she kisses Sebastian "Omg can y'all stop making out!" Anthony says sarcastically. They pull apart and Jess glares at him.

"Guys this is Jack. Jack that's Groff, Sebastian Daveed and you know Lin" I say.

"Huh?" Lin asks.

"I saw the in the heights movies, it was really good" Jack says.

"Oh cool thanks. So what year you in?" Lin replies.

"3." He says.

"Yo I remember 3rd grade. Man that sucked" Daveed comments.

"It really does" jack agrees.

Jazzy walks through the door "Y/N I have a problem, oh shit hey." She says when she notices everyone.

"Do ya wanna not swear?" Anthony asks.

"Oh fuck sorry." She says when she sees Jack.

"Nice one. Um jack this is my sister Jazzy. Jazzy this is Jack" I say.

"Hey" she smiles

"Anyways what's your problem?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, so I dunno what to get Pippa for her birthday" she asks.

"You couldn't have just texted me?"

"No, cuz I need to get it tonight and I didn't think you would reply fast enough" she says.

"Well I dunno, just go the the shops and see what's open and get something from one of those stores" I suggest.

"Ugh Ok" she walks out and I roll my eyes.

"So Jack what's your favorite subject in school?" Groff asks.

"I guess probably English or English" He shrugs.

"Really? Any reason or you just enjoy it?" Lin asks.

"I dunno, I like writing and I like learning about music" He explains and Lin smiles.

"Lin before you start talking to him about co-writing a musical remember he's 8" Anthony says.

"I wasn't gonna do that!" He replies defensively.

"Uh huh"

"I love musicals!" Jack exclaims.

Lin gasps. "Oh my goodness your my new favorite child! Have your parents showed you Hamilton yet?" He asks

"No why?"

"Well, me, Groff, both your parents, Daveed and Jazzy were all in it. It did well and I'm very proud of it"

"Lin we haven't even shown Jess Hamilton" Anthony sighs.

"Why the only bad stuff in it is say no to this and a little language"

"Yeah that bit doesn't matter, I just think it's weird to show our kids musicals we've been in. Also I think the Laurens Interlude and stay alive reprise should be on that list." I explain.

"I wanna watch it!" Jacks says excitedly.

"Come on Y/N its not that bad" Daveed adds.

"Alright fine" I sigh, Jack just smiles.

"Hey where's Jess and Sebastian?" Groff asks.

"Uhh probably in Jess's room." I say and Anthony and Lin both get up.

"What?!" They run over to Jesses room and open the door. I walk over and they're just on Jess's bed on their phone.

"Dad what the hell?" She asks.

"Ant I've told you a thousand time their not gonna do anything, especially not when both their families are here" I say.

"Well I don't know! Why would they have the door closed.?"

"Do you even remember being a teen?" I sigh. There's a knock on the door and I go to Answer it. I open the door and it's the Menulog guy, I thank him and bring the food inside. "Alright everyone grab ya food I guess we're watching Hamilton." I say.

"JESSICA GET OUT HERE!" Anthony yells.

"Omg calm down" She says walking out of her room followed by Sebastian. We all sit on the couch and Lin puts on Hamilton.

"Hey that's you!" Jack says when Anthony comes on. "And that's you" Pointing at Daveed We laugh. after the first song finishes he frowns. "You guys weren't in this." He says to me and Groff.

"Oh yeah I only have 3 songs and ya mum's not in the recorded version" Groff explains.


"Because I was an understudy which means when the person who played Angelica couldn't perform I did and when she left I took over the roll but she's the original" I explain.

"Ohhhhh" we keep watching the movies and he smiles every time Anthony comes on. I mean same but it's cute he already admires him.

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