Chapter 3

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Anthony POV

Y/N walks into her house, or more I drag her into her house and take her up to her room. After I walk back out and into my car I see her  climbing out the window which is lucky on the first floor.I laugh to myself before getting out of the car. "What are you doing?" I ask when I reach the window

"Shhh I'm sneaking out" she whispers

"You're the only one home" I say as she falls to the grounds.

"Well you could have told me that" she says getting up and dusting herself off.

"Alright you gotta go back to bed, please don't leave your house again, you're way to drink. " she just nods and climbs back through the window.

I get back in my car and turn it on but as soon as I start driving I see her walking out the door. I park and get out again.

"Okay come on, you're staying at my place where I can make sure you don't get killed" I say and pick her up bridal style to my car.... I mean not that she's  my bride or anything like that that's just want it's called.

"Ooooh What are we doing at your place?" She smirks and I roll my eyes but blush a little. When we get to my place she look around "ugh I feel sick"

"Yeah ok tie up your hair. The bathroom's over there" I point in the direction, I don't want her throwing up on my floor or furniture.

"Why Would I-" she  starts saying something but then runs to the bathroom, I follow behind her and hold back her  hair while she throw up into the toilet.
When she eventually stops I get her a class of water but when I return with it she's already asleep on the floor against the wall.

So pick her up and take her  into my room and put her on my bed. I then grab a blanket and a pillow and go to sleep on the couch.

*the next day*

I wake up with a pounding headache. I slowly sit up and look around, I have no fucking clue where I am. "Y/N GET UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I hear someone yell and I block my ears. I really hope I didn't have a one night stand again last time went horribly.

"Who ever that is shut up!" I half yell. Ugh why did I get so drunk last night when I knew I had to work today.

"Oh my gosh." The person says walking into the room. I look up and see it's Anthony. He walks over to me and takes the pillow from me. "Come On we still have to go to work and we're gonna be late if we don't leave in a minute"

"Ugh my head and I don't have anything to wear. Is it too soon to start calling in sick" I say squinting at the light from the window he opened.

"Here" he gives me some aspirin and a glass of water, "just wear those jeans and you can borrow one of my shirts" he says. "But please hurry I don't wanna be late"

I take the aspirin then wait a minute and get up. I look through one of his draw and find a hoodie with Freedom on it so I just take off my shirt and put that on.

"You ready to go?" He says at the door with his eye closes.

"Yes and I have a shirt on you can open your eyes" I laugh

We get into his car and he drives us to there theatre where everyone else is already waiting.
"Why y'all so late?" Daveed groans from is position lying on the stage.

"Sorry I had a hangover and overslept" I explain.

"Omg" Groff says staring at me.

"What...?" I ask confused.

"That's Anthony's hoodie" He shouts and Daveed sits straight up.

"holy shit"

"DID YOU FUCK MY SISTER?!" Jazzy yells storming up to him.

"What the fuck! No!" Anthony says.

"I knew they would get together CHRIS WHERE YOU AT YOU OWE ME $20!" Lin yells

"We're not together" I say before Jas can beat him up

"Then why are you wearing his FAVOURITE hoodie?!" Pippa asks.

"I didn't know it was his favourite! I didn't even know I was at his house until I woke up and he walked in!" I say defensively. But like.... I wouldn't be mad if we had hooked up I MEAN NO WE'RE JUST FRIENDS.

"Omg Anthony did you kidnap her!" Oak asks.

"Dude No! Jazzy asked me to take her home last night so I did but then she kept trying to leave the house so I took her to my place and then we ran out of time for her to go home and get changed so they borrowed one of my hoodies" Anthony explains.

"She didn't sleep in your bed though right?"Jazzy asks.

"Well yeah she did but I slept on the couch" he says.

"Good" she replies.

"Ok well if there not dating yet I guess we should get started" Lin says almost disappointed. "So basically with the dressing rooms cuz we don't have heaps of space, Anthony, Daveed, oaks and Leslie, y'all sharing one, me and Groff are sharing one, Pippa, Renee, jazzy and Y/N y'all sharing one and Chris, Thayne, Jon, and Sydney y'all sharing one, the rest of the ensemble y'all sharing the main room." Lin explains. "So go into your rooms and practice Alexander Hamilton for 15 minutes the we'll rehearse  and Learn the choreography for it"

We all disband and go to our dressing rooms. "Ok so seriously what's the deal with you and Anthony?" Pippa asks me.

"Nothing I swear, I don't get why y'all think there's something going on" I say.

"How do you not! The first day he begged you to sing and got you the roll of an understudy, then he invited you to go out with us even tho I would have anyway, then y'all sung a duet together and he took you to his house where he let u sleep in his bed and he took care of you when you had a hang over and let you wear is favourite hoodie" Renee explains.

I mean I guess if I saw other people acting like that I would think they were dating but like come on he's Anthony and I'm me. "I Don't know what to say we're just friends I swear"

"Ok but you guys would be adorable together" Pippa  says.

"Yeah as long as he doesn't treat you like shit" jazzy puts her arm around my shoulder.

"Whatever, we gotta practice, you three especially." I say and sit down on the couch. I smile to myself a little. What if he does like me?

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