Chapter 12

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We arrive at the theatre about 10 minutes early but Lin, Groff, tommy Alex and the costume designers are already there.

"Oh great you guys are here early!" Lin exclaims.

"Y/N you know all the choreography and all your lines right?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah" I reply.

"Great, can you go to your dressing room and get into Angelica's dress for the Schuyler sisters and as soon as everyone's here we'll start with that. Anthony can you get into John's costumes for the Schuyler sisters too and both of you make sure your other costumes are there" he says, we both nod and walk to our dressing rooms.

*5 minutes until showtime*
Anthony POV

We're all waiting in the green room for the stage director to tell up to take our positions. "You ok?" I ask Y/N

"Yeah I guess, I'm just nervous I mean I've been in musicals before but only low profile ones and never on broadway." She replies.

"You'll do amazing, your gonna be the best person out there" I say.

"I just don't wanna fuck it up, Renee's so much better, what if I drop the glass in satisfied or my voice breaks or something"

"If the glass drops I'll catch it, and your voice won't break, your such a strong singer, I'll be with you almost the whole time on stage during helpless and satisfied." I say.

"Thank you" she smiles a little.

"Alright everyone get in you positions backstage!" The stage director yells.

"You'll do great" I kiss her gently then go to my place and so does she.

*After the show*

We walk of stage and I run up to hug Y/N "You were amazing holy shit!"

"Thank you" she smiles.

"I'm so proud of you! Honestly that was unbelievable" I exclaim, she just giggles then kisses me.

"Y/N you were amazing! You were the best pretend crush I ever had" Lin says and we both laugh.

"Thank you, but I think that title goes to Anthony" she smiles.

"Y/N you were incredible!" Jazzy runs up to us.

"Thank you," She replies.

"Ok go get changed into something nice, I'm taking you Anthony and Pippa our for dinner like the Schuyler sisters and their nephew" she says.

"Ok we not refer to me as my girlfriends nephew?" I ask and they both laugh.

"Yeah ok that makes sense the Schuyler sisters and John Laurens!" jazzy says laughing.

"Laurens I like you a lot" she says to me and I blush a little.

"Alright imma go find Pippa y'all can be all weird when I'm gone" Jazzy walks off.

*after they out if they're costumes and stuff*

"Hey can we quickly go to your place? Jazzy said we're going nice and I left my makeup there" Y/N asks when I walk into her dressing room.

"Yeah sure" I reply and we walk out to my car my run into a bunch of fans and news reporters.

"Excuse me Anthony Ramos and Y/N Cephas Jones do you mind if we say you a couple of questions?" One of the reporters asks. I look at Y/N She's ain't stage fright but is still a little shy, well maybe not shy but she gets overwhelmed very easily.

"Uh yeah actually we have somewhere to be sorry" I say.

"Great, is it true you too are dating?" I hate reporters during the first week of a show.

I sigh "Yes it is" I try to start walking away but they block us.

"If that's true then what's the deal with Miss Jones and Nathan Nadal?" The reporter asks Y/N. (I love Vanessa she's amazing but I just used her last name cuz it's the first thing I thought of)

"Ok that's enough, what ever he told you is a lie, now we need to go" I say and push past them hold my arm around Y/N.

"Thank you" She says when we get in the car.

"It's all good, I'm sorry about them, honestly sometimes reporters can be the worst" I say.

"It's fine."

When we get to my place she walks into the bathroom and starts 'fixing her makeup'. When she's done she grabs her phone and wallet and walks towards me. "You ready to go?" She asks

"Yeah but wait a minute" I take her hands.

"What's up?"

"Well I've been thinking we've been dating for about 7 months and I love you so much, what if we moved in together?" I ask nervously.

She's silent for a moment "Yes I would love too" she squeals.

I smiles, relieved a bit then kiss her passionately. "Ok we shouldn't keep jazzy and Pippa waiting too long"

We walk out and drive to the restaurant Jazzy told us to meet her at. "Oh finally, what took you so long?" She asks when we sit down at the table they got.

"Well I had to fix my make up but also we're gonna move in together!" Y/N exclaims.

"What?! That's so cool!" Pippa squeals excitedly.

"Yes congratulations, I'm so happy for you." Jazzy says happily.

"So Renee's still sick?" I ask.

"Yeah, She's not sure if she'll be better by tomorrow so Y/N you might get to Perform again" Pippa says.

"I mean I can but I hope she's gets better fast" Y/N says.

*a couple of days later- Y/N and Anthony are almost finished moving in to Anthony's place*


"Hey Anthony I'm just gonna go over to Jazzy's place real quick, I'll be back later" I say.

"Ok," he replies

I walk out and get a cab to Jazzy's place. When I get there she opens the door. "Hey Y/N what's up?" She asks letting me in.

"I think I'm pregnant"

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