Chapter 6

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Anthony walks always and gets in his car then drives away. Ugh I shouldn't have said that. But I mean he agreed so he probably doesn't like me. I walk back into the living room and sit down.
The girls all stare at me probably expecting an explanation. "What did he say?" Jazzy asks

"Well said he wanted to talk about last night and I just said I was drunk and we should just be friends and he agreed. Ugh I'm an idiot why didn't I just tell him I like him?" I explain.

"It's ok you have plenty of time to tell him you can just tell him at work on Monday" Renee suggests.

"No i can't cuz he agreed we should just be friends so that means he doesn't like me back" I exclaim.

"Well he could have just said that because of what you said, just try not to worry about it" Renee says.

*2 days later- at the Theatre*

Me and jazzy arrive at the theatre at 9 and everyone else is already there talking. "Ok now everyone's here we can starts. We're gonna learn the Schuyler sisters and farmer refuted today" tommy announces.

Renee, Pippa and Jazzy walk up on stage cuz they're gonna learn they're part first. Anthony walks over and sits next to me. "Hey" he says.

"Hey" I reply. Ok I gotta be chill, we can still be friends, he doesn't have to know I like him.

Thankfully Daveed walks over and sits on the other side of me. "Are y'all dating now?" He asks.

"No!" We both say at the same time, I look at him but he just looks away.

"Uh huh," he replies.

"We're just friends" Anthony says. I shouldn't be disappointed I'm the one who said it first but still, I wish I knew if he likes me

"Yeah I know I believe you. But just cuz you're friends doesn't be you'll never be more" he walks away.

"Wait how did he know what happened?" I ask.

"I told him, just like you told Renee jazzy and Pippa" he says and I just nod.

*a month later*

"Hey Y/N can you get a ride home I'm going out" jazzy walks up to me.

"Yeah all good," I'll probably just walk home even tho it's kinda late I'll be fine it's only like a 25 minutes walk.

Everyone eventually starts to leave and it's a little dark even tho it's only 7. I starts walking but Anthony runs up behind me.

"Y/N do you want me to drop you home?" He asks but I shake my head.

"Nah I'm fine it's not too far" I reply.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I just nod "Ok but text me when you get home" he says.

"I will" he walks off to his car.

When I'm almost half way home I see someone walking towards me. I tie up my hair up and keep walking straight trying to look weak or lost.

"Well if it isn't Y/N Cephas Jones" the guy says when he's closer to me. I sigh. Of course I would run into my ex.

"leave me alone Nathan" I scoff.

"Hey don't be so rude I know you miss me" he smirks.

"I definitely don't you were toxic and probably still are" I try to walk away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me over so I'm like an inch away from his face.

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