Chapter 29

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A/N hey so I was reading some fanfics and a lot of authors do Q&As and stuff like that, did y'all want me to do anything like that? If ya do just comment or dm me.

Jazzy POV

Anthony and Y/N walk out and walk over to Jess. "Guys how do you play with a baby?" I ask.

"What the hell, You said we knew how to take care of her" Daveed days.

"Hey watch your tone, aren't baby's super sensitive to tone?" Pippa asks

"No im pretty sure that's dogs" Groff replies

Just as they're talking about this Jess starts to cry "noooo don't cry it's ok." I say picking her up and trying to calm her down.

"Nice one y'all made her cry," Renee say.

"How was it our fault?" Pippa asks defensively.

"Guys She's still crying how do I make her stop?" I ask rocking her in my arms.

"Here" Leslie says and I give her to him. "Uhhh she probably needs to be changed but dibs not" he Say.

"Nope" Daveed says quickly.

"Neither" Pippa says.

"Oh my gosh, I'll do it" Renee says Gently taking Jess into her room to change her.

A couple minutes later she walks back out holding Jess who's not crying anymore and hands her back to me. "Ok someone gotta help me play with her i don't know what to do"

They all walk over and sit on the floor in a circle around Jess.

*at the end of the day- like 7pm*

I wake up and look around. I forgot we let Jazzy and the others look after Jess. I look at the time and it's about 7 "crap Anthony!" I exclaim.

"What?" he groans

"It's like 7! I'm gonna go back to our place to Jess you can stay here and sleep if you want" I say getting up.

"What?! I thought we was only asleep for like maybe 3 hours omg we gotta go" he gets up as well and grabs the keys

We get into the car and he drives back to our place. When we get there we run through the door "What happened is everything ok Where's Jess?" I ask and everyone just looks at us.

"She's asleep...." Daveed says confused.

"We're so sorry we fell asleep and lost track of time we meant to be home a couple hours ago" Anthony apologises.

"It's fine, the point of this was so you guys could get a break" Jazzy says.

"was she ok?" I ask.

"Yeah She was great, she was happy just playing with her toys most of the time" Pippa says.

"Thank you guys so much, we really needed that"Anthony says.

"No problem" Leslie replies.

*5 years later*

"Jess stop pulling your dads hair!" I laugh when I see Anthony struggling to get her off him.

"Nooooo!" she giggles.

"Come on, Lin and Groff Are coming over soon and their bringing Sebastian. If you don't let go now you won't get to play with him" I say walking over and she let's go straight away.

Groff and Lin got married 2 years ago and last year adopted Sebastian who's the same age as Jess. They're best friends and apparently are inseparable at preschool.

Jess runs off to her room. "Thanks, I don't know why she never listens to me" Anthony sighs.

"It's cuz she thinks you as a friend, you're always playing with so. Unfortunately that makes me the strict one" I laugh and sit on his lap.

"Yeah I guess" he smiles and kisses me. There's a knock on the door so I get up and open it.

"Hey Y/N" Lin smiles.

"Hey, Come in" I open the door wider and they all walk in.

"Y/N Where's Jess?" Sebastian says excitedly.

"I'll go get her" I laugh. I walk into her room "Jess, guess who's here"

She gasps and runs past me "SEBASTIAN! She squeals.

"JESS!" He screams and runs up to her and hugs her.

"Oh my goodness They're so cute" Groff comments.

"Of course they are we raised them. Anyways so how y'all been going?" Lin ask.

"Pretty good, I'm writing more music and Y/Ns waiting to here if she got a roll in a show" Anthony explains.

"Oh that's cool, well I hope you get the role. Lins actually been working on something new, Lin tell them about you idea for the Hamilton sequels" Groff says.

"Wait what? How do you have a sequel he died in the end" I ask.

"Well it's more like a prequel but basically it's about the affairs and his marriage so it would have more of Laurens and Maria, maybe even just another mix tape, I don't know It was just an idea" Lin explains.

"Oh my gosh that would be amazing! Laurens deserves so much more appreciation, he was so cool" I exclaim.

"Wow ok no pressure then" Lin says sarcastically.

"No you don't have to do it obviously I'm just saying That John was an amazing guy he fought against slavery and he-" I start but Lin cuts me off.

"Y/N Incase you forgot, I wrote a musical about it, I did do research on him" Lin laughs, I just shrug.

A/N sorry it's a short chapter but I'll update very soon dw😁

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