Chapter 13

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"I think I'm pregnant" I say on the verge of tears.

"WHAT?!" Jazzy yells.

"I don't know for sure yet, but I haven't gotten my Period yet and my stomachs been all weird and stuff" I explain.

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?" She asks a little calmer. I shake my head. "Ok you stay here I'm gonna quickly go grab one for you" She says and basically what runs out of the house.

When she gets back she hands me the box and I take it into the bathroom.

Jazzy POV

I wait for Y/N to come back out. How could she be pregnant, Anthony seems like the kinda guy who would use protection but I guess it doesn't always work.

When she comes out she looks shocked and she's crying. I run up to her and she shakily shows me the results. Positive.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"I don't know" she says still in shock.

"You should go to the doctor, you know sometimes these things can be wrong. But before you do you should talk to Antho-" she cuts me off.

"whats Anthony gonna say?! He's gonna leave me!" She also yells.

"No he's not gonna leave you, he loves you and he'll support you know mater what happens" I assure her.

"But what if he doesn't?" She cries.

"He does I promise. Come on I'll drive you there" I say. She wipes her eyes and follows me to my car.

Anthony POV

After Y/N left to go to Jazzy's I decide to go to the shops just to grab some stuff, Renee's back so Y/N isn't performing tonight and my understudy says he can't do the matinee on Sunday so he's performing tonight instead which I Think is bullshit, not that I really care that much but understudy's get one show a week and that one show is the matinee so the original cast doesn't have to do 2 shows in one day .

When I get back home I don't think Y/N's back yet. I walk into our room and see her sitting in the bed crying with her arms around her legs.

"What's wrong?!" I ask running over to her.

"I-I" She stutters but doesn't finish her sentence.

"Baby please tell me," I ask moving some of her hair out of her face.

"I'm pregnant" she says softly. I freeze, how is she pregnant we always use protection. "I'm so sorry!" She cries.

"No it's not your fault, Have you taken a test?" I ask and she nods. "Ok, I'll Schedule an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. It's ok" I pull her into my lap and she cries into my shoulder. "it's gonna be ok"

*at the doctors the next day

"Y/N Cephas Jones?" The doctor call and me and Y/N get up. "Ok so understand you took a pregnancy text and it came out positive right?" He asks.

"Yeah" Y/N says.

"Ok well I'm gonna do an ultrasound just to make sure because more often then you'd think these things can be wrong, so Y/N if I could get you too lie down here and pull up your shirt a bit" he instructs so she does.

He starts putting the gel stuff on her stomach and rubbing it around with the I don't even know what it's called but yeah. Halfway through I get a call from Lin.

"Hey Anthony, I was just wondering what time you were getting here?" He asks.

"Shit. I completely forgot about the show! Lin I'm so sorry would you mind if I'm a little late?" I ask.

"Why? Is someone wrong?" He asks.

"Uh kinda? Please don't tell anyone but Y/N's getting an ultrasound, she might be pregnant" I explain.

"Omg yeah of course you can come late. Let me know how it goes"

"I will thanks Lin" and hang up.

If they need you, you can go I'll be fine" Y/N says.

"No it's all good Lin said I can come late" I kiss her hand, she smiles.

"Ok well I'm not sure what results you guys were hoping for but you're not pregnant, the test must have been a faulty one." The doctor says. And She lets out a sigh of relief.

"are you ok?" I ask when we get into the car.

"Yeah, I'm relieved mostly, having a kid would just be too stressful right now" she says.

I just lean over and hug her. "I love you so much"

"I love you so much too" she smiles.

After I drop her back I drive to the Theatre. When I arrive everyone's already there and most people are just getting in costume or getting they're hair/make up done.

"Hey I'm here sorry I'm so late" I say.

"All good what's the deal with Y/N?" Lin asks.

"Well-" I start but then Jazzy interrupts me.

"Anthony?! What happened? Is she pregnant?" She asks when she's close enough for only me and Lin to hear.

"No she's-" I get cut off again but this time by Thayne.

"OMG IS Y/N PREGNANT?!" He yells making everyone looks at me.

"What?! Anthony what the fuck don't y'all use protection?" Renee asks.

"Wait did you plan this?" Pippa asks.

"No she's not pregnant! And yes we use protection, she took a pregnancy test and it was positive so we went to the the doctor but he said she want and it must just been a faulty text and her periods probably just late for unrelated reasons." I explain.

"Is she ok? How did she take it?" Lin asks.

"She's good I'm pretty sure, she said she was just relieved, but she didn't want anyone to know cuz it was just a false alarm" I reply.

"Fair enough, is she coming tonight?" Daveed asks.

"No she's working." I reply.
Everyone walks off to finish getting ready because Its like 3 and we're supposed to be ready by 4

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