Chapter 27

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*1 week later- 2 days before they're leave*

Anthony POV

"Hey Ant imma go grab so stuff for lunch, do you want anything?" Y/N asks me.

"can you just grab a frozen Pizza or something?" I reply. She nods and walks out.

About half an hour later she comes back. "Can you put the pizza in the oven for me I just gotta go to the bathroom" she says. I nod and get up to put the Pizza in the oven.

A couple minutes later she comes out looking a little nervous. "are you ok?" I ask walking over to her.

She hands me a pregnancy test I only just realised she was holding. Positive. "Oh.. Are you sure? I mean last time it said that and you weren't" I ask.

"Well u got a different brand this time..but I still have to go to a doctor." She says shakily.

"Come on, I'm gonna take you to a doctor now. Try not to worry about it until we get the results ok?" I say calmly.

She nod. I turn off the oven and call a doctor while we walk outside and she gets us a cab. "Okay there's an appointment free in an hour and a half. Do you wanna go out somewhere to distract yourself?" I asks and she just nods.

We get to the mall and Y/N still seams off which is understandable but still. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask as we walk past a bunch of stores

"I don't mind" she shrugs.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok, even if you are pregnant I promise everything will be ok" I say pulling her to the side.

"I'm scared. I don't know what to do" she says holding back tears.

"I know. It's ok to be scared, we'll figure out what to do together. I'm with you through everything" I say pull her into a hug.

"Thank you" she sniffs.

"Come on. I'll take you to Sephora" she smiles a little.

*at the doctor*

"Y/N Ramos?" A doctor calls and we get up. "So you took a pregnancy test and it was positive?" He asks.

"Yeah but a couple months ago I took one and it was positive but then I wasn't actually Pregnant" Y/N explains.

"Alright. So I'm gonna give you and ultrasound and thy will tell us if your are or not" he explains.

She nods and lies on the bed thing and the doctor starts rubbing the gel stuff on her stomach. After a couple of minutes he stops.

"Alright, So it turns out you are pregnant. Obviously it's to early to tell what the gender is but I'll write everything you need to know out for you and give you some information to give to your regular doctor in America" he explain.

"Oh.. my gosh. " I say. Y/N just looks shocked.

"You'll need to have monthly check ups and make sure you don't drink any alcohol or smoke or anything like that. You're due sometime in February next year. Do you have any other questions or anything?" He asks.

We both just shake our heads. He writes out some information and things she can and can't do while she's pregnant and then we get a cab back to the hotel.

"Are you ok?" I ask taking her hand.

"No, I'm like 26 I can't raise a child, I can't carry a child! And then I have to find preschool and school and babysitters and food and clothes and I have to make sure it's ok all the time, I can't do any on that!" She starts crying.

"Yes you can, and I'll be helping you so will Jazzy and Stephanie and Mario and all our friends. I promise you won't have to do this alone and your gonna get through it. I know we're still young and  we didn't want a kid for a couple more years but it's gonna have the best mum ever." I take her hands and smile softly

"But what if I'm not? What if they hate me, and what am I supposed to do for Money I obviously can't perform and I can't work a Minimum wage job to provide for a family?" She continues.

"You'll find a Job, You could be an actress I'm sure Lin or someone can get you an agent. And even if it takes a while to find a Job I get Money for my music, remember your not alone in this, this kid is my responsibility as much as it is yours. You don't have to do it all yourself."

"Are you sure you not gonna leave when.. when liek my body changes and stuff? Do you know how hard it is to get back to normal after a baby?" She asks with tears in her eyes. I can't believe she thinks I would do that.

"No baby of course not! I love you so much and I don't care what you look like, it's technically my fault your pregnant I'n the first place isn't it?. I'll never leave you. Ever. I promise you you're stuck with me." I assure her.

"Thank you, I love you"

"I love you too. I'll always be here for you"

*The day after they get back to New York*


"I'm gonna go to the Theatre now, I'll see you later tonight" I say to Anthony.

"Wait, did you wanna tell the others?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, I guess we should aye. Do you wanna come with me then?" I ask. He nods and get up.

When we arrive at the Richard Rogers everyone comes up to us. "How was it?" Pippa asks.

"It was amazing" I reply.

"Tell us everything" Daveed says.

"We will but we actually have a pretty big announcement" Anthony says.

"What is it?" Jazzy asks.

"Well, uh I'm pregnant" I say and everyone gasp. "Surprise"

"OMG" Lin exclaims.

"How long have you known?" Oak asks.

"Didn't you wanna Wait at least a year?" Jazzy asks

"When are you due?" Jordan asks.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Leslie asks.

"When's the baby shower?" Pippa asks.

"Are you feeling ok?" Groff asks.

"Oh my goodness everyone calm down. I found out last week, yes we were gonna wait a year but that's not happening I guess, I'm due sometime in February we don't know the gender yet, baby showers don't happen till like a week before the due date and so far I'm fine" I explain.

"Hold up if y'all wanted to wait a bit why the fuck didn't Anthony use protection?" Daveed asks.

"I did!" Anthony replies defensively.

"Yeah he did. Either way we're happy with it" I smile.

"Omg your gonna be parents!" Lin squeals.

"We're gonna be parent" Anthony repeats to me, smiling.

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