Chapter 25

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"Right yeah" Anthony pulls out his vows. "Y/N, I don't believe in love at first sight, so I won't say I've loved you since we met , however I do believe in first thought best thought, and I remember the first thought that crossed my mind when I saw you, it was plain and simple and not super professional or romantic. That thought was "damn I gotta ask this girl out before the rest of the guys take a shot" and well turns out that was easier said than done. But I cannot tell you how much I value that month or two before we started going out. you were my best friend, my ride or die, l learnt what makes you smile and the things that make you cry. I learnt that I love the way you sing and the way you wear your rings. I discovered I can't live without your laugh or the way you dance around the couch. and it's all these things that made me sure, that you and me, were meant to be. And now we're here and you're still my best friend and I still smile when you walk by. My heart still breaks just a little bit when you cry. I still listen for your voice in every song we play. And I still wait for you laugh when we get lost on the way. So I guess what I'm trying to say is it doesn't matter how fast time flies, you will always be my best friends, my whole world, and the joy in my eyes. You are the angel of my life and I'm so excited for you to be my wife. I couldn't imagine myself with someone else, not because either of us are perfect, but because we make each other perfect. And I promise to wake up every day with the intention to make you smile. I promise to do everything in my power to stop anyone or anything from hurting you. And I promise to love you every day from now to my last breath."

"Omg That was so cute" I sniff and a couple people laugh "wow okay I don't know how I'm gonna top that" I wipe my eyes and unfold my paper "Anthony, the first day we met, not gonna like I kinda hated you because you made me sing in front of my idol but then when we sang that like 5 lines together it just felt right, like I was always meant to sing with you. You've been with me through everything, even at my worst you're still there encouraging me and supporting me. You always accept me and understand me, you know me better than I know myself and I never thought I would find someone as perfect as you but here I am. I will spend a life time more trying to find the words to thank you, and to love you the way you love me. I know with every part of me that we're meant to be because if what we have isn't true love, if this isn't what a soulmate is then love it's self isn't true and it doesn't know what it feels like to look into your eyes. Anthony You're the reason I get out of bed every morning and the reason I go to sleep at night, you're the reason I smile and the reason I laugh. And I hope I can be the same, and I promise to spend my life trying to show you how much you truely mean to me. I love you so much" I say and now he's crying too.

"Anthony Ramos Martinez, do you take Y/N Cephas Jones to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, in poverty and prosperity, in the good and the bad?"

"I do" Anthony smiles

"And do you Y/N Cephas Jones take Anthony Ramos Martinez to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in poverty and prosperity, in the good and the bad?"

"I do" I smile

"Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" Anthony puts his arms around my waste and pulls me into a kiss.

The guests cheer and he pulls away and smiles. "I love you so much"

"I love you so much too" I kiss him again.

After everyone's eaten and talked and stuff, Daveed runs in from somewhere holding to wine glasses. "Alriiiight Alriiiight das What I'm talking about!" He imitates Anthony making us both laugh. "Now everyone give it up for the made of honour, Jasmine Cephas Jones" he says and hands her a glass.

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