One weird encounter

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Once he took Tommy and Tubbo back home, he went back in the forest to meet up with Techno and buy the supply he still needed. 

On his way there, he met a white hooded figure a bit too close to their home, it was vaguely heading in the direction he came from, which made him very suspicious. Phil clasped the handle of his sword.

"Who are you?" he asked, assuming a fighting stance, the figure lifted their hands in surrender, stepping back.

"I'm just looking for.... a lost child. Do you happen to have seen a lone child around this forest?" they asked, for some reason, Phil couldn't make out from their voice if it was a man or a woman, the fact that he couldn't see their face didn't help either.

"No... i haven't" he said in a threatening tone, shooting them a glare "This is our territory, LEAVE" he warned. The figure stepped back.

"Ok, i'll leave... sorry for the trouble" the figure just turned around and started walking back towards the city, soon disappearing in the thick vegetation. Once they were out of sight Phil sighed, letting go of his sword.

"That was too close for comfort" he lifted his gaze, looking around "I need to warn Techno"

He ran towards the meeting point, seeing him already there with a bloody bag tied to his waist. 

"Hey Phil! We're going to eat some good rabbit stew tonight!" he said, lifting the bag and giving him a bright smile. Phil smiled back, taking the bag and looking inside it, seeing about a dozen rabbit.

"Well done Techno. Listen, we have a big problem, on my way here i saw what i think was an hunter heading towards our home" he said in a worried tone.

"What?!" he shouted, looking around, now on guard.

"Don't worry, i managed to convince them to go back to the city, that's not what worries me Techno" he sighed.

"They said they were looking for a child that got lost in the forest... i think they were looking for Tubbo" Techno's eyes widened.

"We need to be more careful from now on, if they see him in his human form they'll get suspicious. Maybe it's better if him and Tommy don't leave the house for a while" Phil nodded, agreeing with Techno.

"I don't think he'll want to go back for a while either... him and Tommy found a shop that sold ram's horns and he saw his father's on display" Techno cringed.

"That... must have sucked..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Phil handed him back the bag.

"Go back to the house and check on them, i'm going back to the market to finish buying what we need" he instructed, Techno nodded, taking the bag and starting to head back home.

"Be careful Phil" 

"Back at you Techno" he responded.



As night fell, they all headed to bed. Tubbo was still a bit shaken from what happened today, so Tommy decided to sleep with him to make him feel safer.

"Don't worry big man, i'll kick anyone who tries to hurt you" he assured, giving him a bright smile. Tubbo smiled, yawning.

"Thanks Tommy"

They slept peacefully that night, the white feather that Tubbo took the day before was still in his pocket, and it shone brownish again a few times before returning white. Again, no one noticed.

The next day Techno left early to scout the surroundings of the forest, glad to not find any hunter close by. He kept scouting around for several hours, finding only animal footprints and some traces of blood, which were probably still animal's.

He was about to go back home when he heard a twig snap on his left. He quickly turned and started heading in that direction, clasping the handle of his sword. Just behind a tree, there was a white hooded figure, who was leaning against the tree trunk, humming a quiet tune.

"Hey!" he called, startling them "What are you doing here? This is our hunting territory" he angrily said, shooting them a glare. The figure stepped back, raising their hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to. I genuinely got lost here" they said with a giggle, Techno wasn't buying it.

"You where nearby yesterday too, don't try to use that bullshit on me" he spat out, drawing his sword at them.

"What do you want?" he asked in a threatening way.

"Woah woah! Calm down big guy, i don't want anything from you. I'm just looking for a lost kid. I'm not looking for troubles" they assured, taking a step back and looking around for an escape route.

"For who? Is it your kid you're looking for?" he asked, taking a step forward, making the figure back away.

"What? No, i... was asked by a friend to find him" they hesitantly confessed, taking another step back.

"Who?" he demanded to know.

"Why do you want to know? It's none of your business anyway!" they angrily replied, reaching inside their white cloak for something.

"Hey! Don't you try it!" he warned but it was too late, the figure pulled out a small glass bottle and threw it on the ground, breaking it and splashing itself with it's content. The figure quickly disappeared, becoming invisible and making an escape.

"Fuck! Invisibility potion!" Techno swore, closing his eyes and focusing, trying to hear their footsteps. He could vaguely hear them on his right side, quickly fading back into silence. They escaped.


??? POV

After they ran for a good ten minutes, the figure stopped to rest under a large oak tree, slumping down against it and gasping for air.

"Man... i'm really out of shape" they giggled at their comment, when was the last time they ran this much? Two? Maybe three years?

They sighed, resting their head against the trunk of the tree and looking up at the sky, it was almost sunset.

"I guess i'll have to look only at night from now on"

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