Missed calls

Start from the beginning

"Kobayashi," You warned, clenching your fists to keep your emotion in check. She took the warning and tossed something to you, which you caught quite easily. You looked over your hand and your eyes slightly widened in surprise. "How... did you get... my phone?"

"Your mommy should really keep a watch on her things." She shrugged with her usual smirk. "I take it that you haven't read anything in there, did you."

"No... mother didn't allow me to..." You answered, opening the turned off item. Once it finally loaded, you could see the notification going wild, luckily it was muted. There were a whole bunch of messages, but the top of it all...

Mon amour: 84 missed calls. 631 unread messages.

Mitsue: 23 missed calls. 51 unread messages.

Hano: 43 missed calls. 85 unread messages.

How strange. Why was Terunori's name there when he clearly showed just how much he didn't want to bother with you. Surprisingly, Mitsue and Hano were there as well. You were sure that after that night... they wouldn't glance back at you again, someone who just up and abandoned them.

You were selfish and being a brat, why do they still care?

Mon amour:

Three weeks ago:

2:36 a.m
It's been a shitty week for you, I know. I can't see you or anything because of your mom. I really have the urge to insult her, but I know just how much you've been waiting for her and all that jazz. But I really can't help it, sooner or later I'm about to kidnap you.

2:41 a.m
Masafumi said okay.

8:03 a.m
You're always an early riser, so good morning even if it's late.

1:24 p.m
(YYYYY/NNNN)!! Don't miss lunch!

5:50 p.m
You better not be drowning in paperwork right now, or I will personally drag you out of your office!!

1:057 a.m
I know it's morning and I know you're gonna scold me, but good night. Don't stay up too late.

All the messages were the same near the same timeframe. All of them reminding you of the usual things he used to nag you about before all of this. It was funny, you could almost hear him whining about not getting enough attention. All of them were nearly the same, but the last message...

Yesterday, 12:38 p.m

(Y/N). If you're part of central, then I'll be a Rebel. We'll see each other again, but we won't be on the same side. Remember our conversation a few days back?

Don't forget that. Cause I swear, (Y/N), I'm going to show you just how good you can be without needing that woman's approval.

You're so much better than what she makes you be.

I love you. [fuck it*cries*]

Something inside you just... broke out. Something just suddenly went crashing down on your entire being. You could feel your face getting hotter by the second, but was it a blush, or was it...

"There are people who know you better than that woman, (Y/N)-chan..." Kobayashi whispered, placing a hand on your back, comforting you while you cried.

Kobayashi let you cry, knowing this was probably the first time you've ever broken down. She knew just how prideful you were, and how the only one who could ever tear down those walls was Terunori.

And since she Treated as her own little brother, she wanted to help, not only him, but you as well.

Because in her eyes, you deserved a lot better than what had happened to you.

"(Y/N)-chan, where will you stand now?" she asked, letting go of you, holding out a paper with a number on it. "You can only stand on one side. Pick one. I won't hold a grudge because I never really liked central in the first place."

What will you choose?

Choose to stand in this Central where you were nothing but a puppet.


Stand beside the boy who was still next to you even after pushing him away so much.

Take your pick now, (Y/N).


I am, in fact, alive. So hello and sorry for not being active :(

I honestly thought that winter break would give me time but NOPE! I HAD THREE exams the first week of school, which was last week I-😀

Also new extra chapter is out!

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