By this time, Taehyung came out of Jungkook's room. He had a towel around his neck as he took a shower.
"I have to say... These dress are very comfy. And it fits me very well. Nice..kookie.", Taehyung said sitting down on the chair as Jungkook glared at him and said,
"Well...its my clothes. So it surely will be nice."
"Ohhh....Jin hyung rubbed off his sass pretty well on you, didn't he?", Taehyung asked with a sheepish smile to which Jungkook just rolled his eyes.
Jungkook took the plate and the coffee, and put it in front of Taehyung.
" made breakfast for me too?? are hyungie's good boy.", Taehyung said as he ruffled Jungkook's hair and flicked the younger's chin.

"Ughh!!! CUT IT OUT!! I just made it because you made the dinner yesterday. Now we are even. I don't like to owe anyone anything.", Jungkook said folding his hands.
"Even me?", Taehyung asked with a pout.
"Especially you!", Jungkook replied quickly to which Taehyung's pout grew bigger.
"Eww...Hyung. stop it.", Jungkook cringed.

Taehyung turned and took a sip of his coffee. He picked up the fork from the table and took a bite of the pancakes Jungkook made.
"Omo!!!! This is so good. How did you learn- wait.... Is it Jin hyung?", Taehyung asked.
"Isn't it obvious? He taught me to do everything. Even the household chores.", Jungkook answered.
"Wait...why aren't you eating? You didn't make enough for two?", Taehyung asked seeing that Jungkook didn't have any plate in front of him.
"No..its fine. I don't want anything. My stomach feels a bit weird. So, I decided to skip breakfast till it settles. You just eat and get out after that. I need some peace and quiet.", Jungkook said back.
"Ohh. But I won't leave until I get something. You promised me and I ain't gonna leave without hearing it.", Taehyung said as his voice became a bit deep.
"Huh? promised? Ohh...ouhhh!! About what happened yesterday?", Jungkook asked.
"Yes. Now tell me..Kookie. what happened?", Taehyung asked in a soft voice, as he looked at Jungkook.

"Well...I...Yesterday .. I was getting my stuff from my workspace, ready to get out of work. you remember when I told you about that Jihwan. Well..", Jungkook paused for a bit.
"DID THAT JERK DO THIS TO YOU?!", Taehyung asked as his voice became so deep out of anger.
"Well...technically..Yes. he did. He barged in there and locked the door. At first I tried my best to talk to him. But, he didn't listen. He just came so close to that I had to punch him in the face. For that he made me trip and did this to my hand with his shoes. And above that, he did and said something beyond I can tolerate, so I had to break his nose and get out there.", Jungkook made it brief.
"Things like what?!", Taehyung eyes hooded with anger and his voice went 2 octaves lower.
"Ummm....Well. Hyung. Its fine I gave him what he deserved for doing that to-", Jungkook was gonna reply, but Taehyung interrupted.
"I asked THINGS LIKE WHAT, JUNGKOOK?", Taehyung asked again.
"Uh...He said that 'daddy will make you scream under me" and he groped my butt.", Jungkook said in pure disgust.

"OHH REALLY? He said that? To MY BABY BOY!! THAT JERKKKK!! HE....OH MY GOD!! That s** of a b****.", Taehyung bursted out in Anger as he abruptly stood up from the chair.
"Huh? Baby boy? What??...hyung!! Calm down. I have dealt with it, didn't I? Its okay.", Jungkook tried to calm Taehyung down.
"I won't CALM DOWN!! First he took my best friend away from me. Now he wants my baby to-.....", Taehyung stopped his words as he saw that something was wrong with Jungkook. He saw Jungkook bending down holding his stomach.

"Uhhh.... I don't feel so well..", Jungkook said as he held his stomach.
Taehyung got alarmed and went near the younger.
Jungkook felt something churn and rise in his stomach. He was feeling dizzy when he felt that something was coming up. He covered his mouth and ran towards the bathroom in lightning speed.
Taehyung stood there dumbfounded processing what was happening. He too ran to the bathroom looking for the younger.
When Taehyung went inside, he saw that the younger was kneeling in front of the closet and pouring out the contents inside his stomach. Taehyung's eyes widened and he rushed to the younger's side. He rubbed Jungkook's back as the younger was still vomiting.

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